Friday, March 11, 2022

School violence essay

School violence essay

But eventually, the image of continuations schools in California changed, as communities more and more were trying to prevent school dropouts, and the need for a high school diploma became more important, school violence essay, as well, Stits writes. Sworn officers or specially-trained staff members can patrol the campus and keep a close eye on at-risk students or potentially threatening situations. This article also makes the important point that school is intended as a developmental and educational environment and that violence in its various forms negatively effects and detracts from the goals of education. The authors cite an article in Sports Illustrated that described the alarming trends of parental misbehavior at school violence essay sport events. Should Guns Be Permitted on College Campuses? References Clash Daily. School Violence Act of The Students, school violence essay, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence Act ofor STOP School Violence Act is a bill designed to help reduce the amount of school violence through implementing a variety of safety measures.

School Violence

time he was no longer involved in any religion and became a nonbeliever. After he wanted to attend the prestigious Ecole Normale Superierure, the intellectual training ground for best of France. To attend he had to undergo an admission examination which Durkheim failed twice, but, in. classmates and one teacher. School violence changes our youths morals. From bullying to peer pressure, school violence essay, youth are exposed to school violence everyday. What is school violence? The first publicly funded schools for delinquents was built. Indicators of School Crime and Safety T. Problems in schools are on. also made and used bombs. Obviously, kids can't have guns at school. But weak solutions about controlling gun sales would not have stopped these kids from getting guns-or from buying nails, propane and other things they used to make school violence essay bombs, school violence essay.

These kids broke a dozen laws in doing what they did. Another law or two on the books would not have prevented the massacre in Littleton. Common threads in this and other episodes of school violence have been that the kids have watched lots of violent movies. factors for the occurrence of school violence. The two most common factors are substance abuse, association with gangs, and guns. School laws try to prevent these factors from school violence essay the youths in the schools. The increase in violence, drugs, and weapons in schools has directed our attention.

Preventing school violence has been an issue in our society for so long it has almost become commonplace. According to an article on www. com, since the yearschool violence essay, there have been a recorded 64 shooting related incidents that involved publicly occupied areas. That is an occurrence of almost five per year. The violence goes from elementary schools all the way up to college universities. The statistics are not pretty by any. Violence in our schools is an issue that has become more prominent in the last few years. News articles about violent deeds within the school setting are on the increase, school violence essay. Our society demands that schools are safe for our children.

In order to maintain a peaceful environment for school violence essay, we must address and inform our schools, children, and parents as well as the neighboring communities about the issue of school violence. As David W. It wears many faces and school violence essay from well- planned gang activity, through bullying and intimidation, to theft and verbal slurs. It incorporates the use of knives, cutlass, ice picks, and even guns, Maharaj-Sharma. The educational system, a learning ground has been plague by school violence which leaves one to question. students would stay home rather than attend school for fear someone would hurt them or hassle them Kreiner. What can we do to be safe in school?

It is becoming more apparent violence is a problem in most schools. But once we are aware that it exists, we can figure out ways to make it school violence essay of a problem. The most important step is to learn how to protect ourselves from, a violent situation. However, you can also help to achieve a larger goal: preventing violence before it happens Kreiner. How can you. The changed the rules, that would affect the country for the rest of their existence. The fad? The new fad is to take a school by a surprise attack and make news headlines. So the question that boggles ever Americans mind, is why and how we allowed these children. Home Page School Violence.

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School violences also includes violent threats for bodily harm on people that are in the school or at school related events. The harm that can be causes is physiological and physical harm on individuals, schools, or communities. School violence is not a new concept it has been […]. School violence is characterized as any physical or verbal attack on one while being on school property or grounds. Since the year , there has been a recorded number of 64 shootings incidents […]. Abstract School shootings are not a new-found issue in society, although they have increased within the last three decades. The majority of school shootings, or mass shootings, are happening within the high-school age bracket. After a shooting takes […]. Not all schools are protected and numerous vast schools confront expanding uncertainty as a result of expanding viciousness inside their mixes.

Besides, the understudies in the urban schools might be looked with a greater amount of this viciousness because of the lower financial status they live in. There is a connection between the minor brutality […]. School violence has largely become one of the greatest issues the United States is facing in the 21st century largely due to the underlying issues that are present when violence in schools occurs. When school violence is in the news, oftentimes it is associated with school shootings. There are questions that need to be asked […]. The Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of , or STOP School Violence Act is a bill designed to help reduce the amount of school violence through implementing a variety of safety measures.

This bill was introduced in the th Congress at the end of January this year. While this bill is working […]. Think multimedia does affect school violence a little. Most importantly, violence cannot be reduced by introducing mandatory uniforms. The contrary effect might be achieved in the sense that gangs would still exist, and would probably benefit from standardized clothing since they would be harder to identify by parents…. Gun Violence in Schools School violence is a dangerous happening that is transcending many schools in the world. Several occasions have been reported where children have perished or suffered traumatic experiences of gunfire and killings within schools. As many states and governments have reiterated the need to have immediate solutions to this problem, gun violence and attacks in schools is still rampant.

Gun violence among adolescents in schools is dated back to a number of happenings as those that attacked the U. Young generations are being exposed to weapons and knowledge on how to involve guns in schools and when at home. While in schools, children engage in unhealthy behaviours of joining gang violence groups. The entire problem remains as a mistake or burden to parents and fellow students who do not engage in such activities. Nonetheless, there are various reasons that have been given to result to gun violence…. Metal Detectors in Schools When confronted with a frightening phenomena, people often tend only to look at the symptom, rather than the underlying cause, and in turn they end up making the problem worse, as in the case of installing metal detectors in schools in an attempt to stop violence.

Although at first glance installing a metal detector might seem like an obvious choice towards making schools safer, this kind of thinking only makes the problem worse by wasting time and energy on a "solution" that ignores the larger problem, is not actually effective, and harms the very people it is meant to protect. Examining these three faults in greater detail will reveal how the use of metal detectors is born out an ignorant, careless approach to safety that harms the public while making money for a few self-interested parties. The first problem with using metal detectors in schools is….

Povenmire , pp. Race is recognized via skin tone, facial characteristics and accent etc. Race can make the process of conflict resolution more complicated and thus it may affect the success negatively. Sometimes, race may be the sole reason behind the conflict and in that case, extreme care must be exercised in order to avoid the extension of the conflict. It may affect the success negatively if the cultural values of either of the parties are not kept in mind. The conflict will be exacerbated if any party feels that their culture is being insulted. Power differences are the root cause…. School Culture on School Safety Many studies have been done on safety in schools.

Likewise, many studies have been done on the culture of various schools. Unfortunately, there has not been significant research on a link between the two. This is not to say that these kinds of studies have not been done, but rather that there has not been enough of them. Many of the studies that have been performed in this area show that there is a definite link between the type of culture that a school has and what kind of safety the occupants of the school can expect. As with any research, there are critics of this opinion, and there are studies that would appear to indicate that there is no link between the two. It is in the spirit of debate and discovery that this study has been undertaken. Children are the future of this….

Exposure to Community Violence: Intervention The purpose of this work is to research exposure to community violence by school-age children and further to examine the intervention methods utilized in dealing with the trauma and associated psychological factors. Intervention being implemented early is key in assisting school-age children in coping with trauma and the associated symptoms and conditions both emotionally and psychologically for avoidance of complicating the condition or other results in permanent damage. What the Professionals have to Say: Exposure to trauma and violence is a risk that is at a "disconcertingly high level[s]" according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Researchers have noted that there are 'certain limitations and knowledge' and that there is need for more research in this area and a more comprehensive long-term analysis. Bender, Study performed by Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools; A study performed by the Los Angeles School…. it are very important to avoid any form of misconception when it comes to violence in schools. it is also important to ensure that trust is built between adults and students. it is also necessary to build an interdisciplinary as well as trained threat assessment team NASP Resources, Juvenile gangs There has been an increase in the number of juvenile gangs that are being formed. The gang problem is one which is continuing to grow within the community, it is important to find out the factors which drive juveniles into joining gangs.

Joining gangs is consists of both pulls and pushes. The pulls entail the attractiveness of gangs. These include prestige associated with gang membership from friends. The gangs also provide attractive opportunities such as chances of excitement through selling drugs and getting money. Therefore most juveniles end up choosing to join gangs. There is some social. cultural or economic forces…. Gun Violence in Schools: Statistics, Why, And Recommendations On December 14, , year-old Adam Lanza massacred 20 children and 7 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School Barron, The doors were locked and visitors had to be buzzed in, but Lanza was able to overcome these barriers by shooting his way in.

The guns came from her mother's house and she was later found shot dead, apparently by Lanza. After committing the massacre at Sandy Hook, Lanza committed suicide, thus robbing the nation of the possibility of learning why. This essay will examine the history of gun violence in U. schools and discuss current professional opinions about why these killings happen and how to stop them. Historical Perspective In , Representative Donna Edwards D-Md reported that there had been school shootings since the Columbine massacre in On April 20 of that year, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold,…. As can be deduced from the examples in section one, these causative theories include the taking of drugs, as well as immature emotional responses and the influence of the media in the portrayal of images of violence that are accepted by the larger culture.

Another factor is the relative accessibility of weapons. While these factors form part the main causative theories, they all tend to indicate that the root underlying cause lies in the structure of the society itself and the intolerance at schools for those who appear and act differently to the norm. This would also seem to suggest that this intolerance is a reflection of the larger society and the inability to accept those who are "different" in any sense. Aligned with the above view is the fact that society and schools often do not provide enough support for youngsters who may not be emotionally mature. Emotional instability…. Moreover, minority youth in the survey had "increased odds" of reporting that "rumors or lies had been spread about them," and that they had been "bullied with sexual comments or gestures" Bradshaw, p.

No surprisingly, youth in the groups that were connected to bullying or being victims reported feeling "less safe and less connected to their school" than youth in the…. Campus Violence on K Setting To Whom it May Concern, I am planning to research the effects of offering a martial arts program regiment within the school on school violence among elementary, middle, and high school students. Search of ERIC databases has generated little prior research on this topic. Many studies have shown that martial arts have many beneficial effects on the emotional and physical well-being of those who participate in martial arts classes and studies. Other studies have linked school violence to a number of sources, including low self-esteem of those who experience violent outbursts, the stress caused by the school environment, the physical inactivity levels of a student sitting in class daily, and the often abusive and humiliating nature of the physical education programs that are traditionally offered in school, among many other factors.

Additionally, many bullies chose to pick on those who have little or no self-defense…. In contrast, TV influences children in abandoning the theories they were taught and embrace other concepts, most related to violence. Also, after being exposed to TV violence children feel that it is perfectly natural for them to behave similar to the characters on TV Langone, , p. It is extremely important for a child to be assisted by an adult when watching TV. Studies have shown that children are influenced by the way adults perceive TV programs, meaning that a child is likely to gain a better understanding of right and wrong when he or she is supported by a mature individual.

Even with that, TV violence can negatively influence children, as they will merely hide their aggression in the cases when they are assisted by an adult who disapproves of violent behavior in watching TV Langone, , p. Children are generally willing to do anything in ordered…. Campus Violence for K Setting What measurable outcome do you choose to explain? I wish to explain the effect that having martial arts-based classes offered as a regular regiment for students would have on the total number of violent incidents, as well as what the severity of this violence is, occurring on campus among students. How would you measure the outcome?

School nurses, administrators, and teachers would all be asked to keep record of any witnessed or reported violent acts committed on campus at the school where the program would be implemented. The study would ideally take place over the course of an extended period of time so that the gradual changes and variations in data would be evident. The total number of violent incidents occurring each day, each week, each month, and each semester would be calculated, as well as how often medical attention was necessary for the involved…. Home Schooling "Since public schools have become over crowded, guns and violence are a daily occurrence, and private schools are so over priced for the average family, home schooling has become an excellent alternative.

Schools are encountering plummeting test results, aggressive behavior and other difficulties and it evidently appears that there is an urgency to assess various options for imparting education to the children of America. A lot of alternatives are available; however, home school, private schools and public schools are among the three types of schools which are extremely widespread and adored by all. Evaluating schooling alternatives Nowadays, public schools possess several limitations, like they had all through the previous century, like they will be all the while, as they are a…. Decisions by School Superintendents Improper Attitude and Unprofessional Conduct of Teachers To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society - President Theodore Roosevelt.

That teaching is at one and the same time an intellectual as well as a moral endeavor, is an idea that is well entrenched in the minds of men since centuries past. The sayings of great teachers of ancient times bear ample testimony to this premise, which continues to hold sway across nations and vastly differing civilizations over the years. In the sense that it takes care of the general well being of young students entrusted to the care of an educational institution and ensures that they are treated fairly and accorded the respect they are due as persons, teaching is most certainly a moral activity.

It is concerned with building and maintaining relationships of trust with pupils…. Entertainment Violence In recent years, politicians and citizen groups have criticized the entertainment industry for its violent content, claiming that it is responsible for violence in society. However, many claim that this consensus is overblown and unfounded by substantial research. There is considerable sociological and statistical data that suggests that violence begets violence and the root factor in the United States has been war, a continuous experience in one zone or another and one that has become "embedded in daily life through a highly militarized culture" Cockburn Japan, for example, has extreme violence on its TV and mobile screens, yet has a very low level of social violence Cockburn According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, statistics show that school violence is at its lowest level in years despite the increase in violent video game sales, therefore, how can there be a correlation between violence in media and….

Public School Prayer: Is it Constitutional and Moral? Proponents of allowing public school prayer cite both legal and moral reasons to allow prayer in public schools. On a legal basis they state that banning prayer in public schools is a violation of our First Amendment right of Free Exercise. From a moral standpoint they cite the so-called degeneration of the public school system and the so-called declining quality of public education along with an overall decline in American society as a result of the public schools no longer teaching morals.

This lack of moral instruction is linked to the ban on prayer in public schools. However, proponents of public school prayer have overlooked the big picture and are the victims of biased reasoning. By not allowing prayer and the exercise of religious ceremonies in public schools the Supreme Court has protected our First Amendment rights and at the same time…. school uniforms within a school system. Ideas such as school discipline, student behavior, and academic achievement are discussed along with examples of why different schools have implemented student use of uniforms. Various viewpoints are presented, along with proponents and opponents concerns for the actual implementation of uniforms. There are many opposing arguments on the issue of whether public school students in the United States should be required to wear uniforms or obey dress codes.

Improvement of discipline and academic performance, reduction of fashion competition among students are a few of the reasons given in support of implementing school uniforms. However, the opposing viewpoints maintain that requiring school uniforms are a violation of students' First Amendment right to…. Threats of Violence in Counseling and Psychotherapy There is an urban legend about an incident at a mental hospital caught on video: a psychotic patient at a hospital, who has a history of threatening violent acts, manages to smuggle a screwdriver from a workman.

This patient, armed with said screwdriver, barricades himself into a room, takes a nurse hostage, and does not respond well to the attempts made by psychiatrists and police officers alike. In the end, the mental patient stabs the nurse hostage fatally in the neck with the screw driver. Of course, the supposed incident on tape that has circulated the semi-underground video circuit for decades included on "Faces of Death Volume IV" is actually a poorly staged reenactment of an event which probably never occurred in the first place. However, tales such as these have inevitably become a part of the universal subconscious of a modern society….

Rather than contributing video games as a cause of violence in children, she encourages educators and others to look deeper and consider that violene has goals; that the particular goal will depend on the individual. At times, goals of violence may be evident, conscious choices from a child is playing now wants. Other times, goals may not be evident nor conscious. America's youth, particularly boys, are in trouble. According to…. Computer Games Research When considering the short history of computers, video and PC gaming are very recent on the timeline of technology. With the ever-increasing interest and involvement of children in this activity, much concern has been expressed about the impact of these games, especially ones of a more violent nature, on physical and psychological development.

At the crux of the debate is the question of whether they are detrimental to a young person's health. There are specific concerns about such factors as aggression, addiction, criminal activity, obesity and reduced academic achievement. Studies thus far show both positive and negative results from playing video and PC games. Some research finds that the playing or observing of violent…. The issue remains debatable, but a case can be made that the mainstream judgment was terribly wrong in a cultural sense" Wright Schools and educational institutes play a vital role in teaching religious traditions and imparting knowledge regarding religion. The most important aspect of teaching religion is to adopt proper method of teaching.

Avoiding controversial and extremist point-of-views and including positive elements from religious teachings from various religions could help in developing tolerance in the generation that growing in the era when religious violence is at its peak. Other School of Thought The other school of thought makes the case against religion when it comes to controlling violence. They argue that it is the religion that encourages violence simple on the basis of religious differences. People belonging to one religion consider them superior to others. Examples of all major religions including Christianity can be given when these religions induced…. Gangs in Public School Many schools especially in urban and suburban areas continue to register gang-related activities within their premises and involving their students.

This study appreciates the dangers associated with such gangs to the schools and other stakeholders around them. Various laws and regulation have been passed in different states in the U. allow parents to withdraw their children from certain public schools. Schools reputed for gang-related problems stand to lose students. This paper provides the scope of action steps in which schools take to intervene, prevent, and suppress the scope of violent gang activity while establishing crisis response plans. The strategies are developed to address potential actions of school violence including gang activity.

Gang members bring in their attitudes, behaviors, and conflicts to the school compounds. The dangerous gang issues and activities of a given community take place within local schools. Gang members take on each other within…. One of the most scrutinized areas of education currently is the area of discipline. The recent rash of violence across the nation at high school has caused the focus to turn to discipline. The Columbine killings among other violent school events have caused experts to begin looking at bullies, violence, at risk students and others to discover what the key is to turning them around in their school career.

One discipline method that has been used for years is removal of the offending student from the general student population. The student who is removed is done so either through suspension or expulsion. Suspension and expulsion are used in many situations as discipline. When students break zero tolerance policies, or…. To effectively deal with the issue, both of these need addressing. The beginnings of school violence often stem from differences between teenagers. Children are natural herd creatures and will gravitate towards people who are similar in looks, mentality, and those who have the same interests. Other groups are seen as enemies, and this is where conflict begins. A lack of education is one of the main causes of school violence.

Education must occur in the home, alongside parents, and in the classroom. Furthermore, when violence does happen, a lack of will to punish the perpetrators encourages them to participate in it again later. Teachers and law enforcement officers must stamp down on violence. A punishment says mentally and physically violence is wrong. This is a trend we have seen replicated in UK prisons and the high reoffending rates.

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