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Essay on tv violence

Essay on tv violence

However, the television violence does have the negative impact on society because people see violence on the regular basis. They may not be aware of it, but they all see it, essay on tv violence. London, England: Greenwood Publishing Group, From this perspective, it would be better if violence was excluded from media and movies. More so, the media provides with the juvenile of today several role models whom exhibit behaviors of violence and in which these children end up emulating the behaviors. It would be useful to essay on tv violence that the only moral of the movies in relation to violence is that it is unlawful and unwanted by anyone. The first attempts at commercial television emerged in in both the United States and England.

Coverage Of The Violence On Television

Children and young adolescents are constantly bombarded with television and media sources that broadcast themes that bear violence. Most of the programs that run in the media have evolved from broadcasting themes that were having good morals to what that is observed nowadays programs having aspects that have bits of violence. Essay on tv violence needs to be understood is that the characters in these programs personifying violence and aggression, essay on tv violence. These characters also serve as the role models to the juveniles often influencing them to emulate such kinds of violent behaviors sometime in the future. More so, the media provides with the juvenile of today several role models whom exhibit behaviors of violence and in which these children end up emulating the behaviors.

This paper aims to showcase the effects of juveniles being influenced negatively through the exposure they get by watching several television programs that air acts of violence. Juvenile violence and delinquency is a behavior that develops within children through them exhibiting behaviors that would be deemed to be criminal and violent. Development of this behavior has been observed by psychologists as being disorders that develop within children by having antisocial behavior for a period of at least six months. This behavior and acts includes the juveniles initiating fights, bullying fellow children, exhibiting physical cruelty towards individuals as well as animals, knowing how to use weapons, essay on tv violence, having chronic.

These behaviors mostly develop because of the juveniles being exposed to television programs that do have the above elements being aired. These characteristic violent behaviors have a common history of what does cause them Grossman, The essay on tv violence factors that have been associated mostly with them in early childhood are a difficult upbringing within the family, exposure to violent behavior from older children and watching of television programs that have violent role models who exhibit behaviors and roles that are violent in nature.

Children being exposed to television most amounts of time are often exposed to acts that depict violent actions. In a particular research, it was observed that within populations there were kids who would have resorted to do anything so as to have their images broadcast in television. This they could go far by carrying out suicide so that they can also get their pictures too on the television. Thus, due to this kind of acts, televisions nowadays do not generally cover suicides so as to try to diminish the numbers of suicide rates that occur in a daily basis.

In some instances, these kids if exposed to scenes such as those of shooting within the television programs, they gradually develop aggressive behaviors and ultimately at some point turning out to be violent. Through this way, the culture of copycat clusters develops and the kids turn out to be offenders who are ready to commit any essay on tv violence of crime or violence due to the exposures that they are constantly pelted with fro. While research has tried essay on tv violence seek understanding how television viewing influences aggressive behavior through narrowing into races, ethnicity and, there is no correlation that has been found to implicate specific races into being influenced more by watching of television so as to later on exhibit violent behavior.

Psychologists suggest that for children suffering from violent behavior one of the best ways of decreasing this overall crime is through preventing chronic delinquency so that the early childhood of these children might be through understanding what factors cause this, essay on tv violence. Factors include such perinatal difficulties, essay on tv violence, biological and neurological factors, residing in neighborhoods that are characterized with social disorganization and violence, inconsistent or harsh parenting practices, substance abuse and parental criminality and lastly exposure to media violence Redding, Media exposure is the leading means in which the juveniles get exposed to scenes of essay on tv violence and parents and their caretakers need to learn methods in which they can discourage antisocial behavior.

This can be through them first reinforcing commonplace low level aversive behaviors like noncompliance, tantrums and teasing. It is also noteworthy to point out that the relationship between exposure towards media violence together with aggressive behavior has been illustrated through a series of field and laboratory experiments as well as quasi-experiments. Most of the studies did found out that the link of media and aggression seemed to be enhanced by the following: The aggression presented in the media is often justified, there are salient cues that are present during the period of retrieval, most respondents are being predisposed to behaviors that are aggressive and lastly the respondents do get identified with violent characters Yoshikawa, essay on tv violence, However, on the other hand watching of television programs by juveniles does not necessarily relate that they are being exposed to form of media violence through the programs that they do watch.

There are several programs that are educative with nice characters whom can be good role models to the juveniles. There are programs that have been made and tailored specific for the juveniles and do have content which is age appropriate towards the children. These programs counter the other programs that exhibit violent behavior by providing characters and actions that are best for nurturing the minds of the juveniles with educative and friendly programs that share the ideal actions that need to be exhibited by these juveniles when they will grow and develop Grossman, The other positive point to note is that exposing juveniles to media does not mean that all the programs in the media have aspects of violence.

Rather, the media does enhance essay on tv violence opening the world views to these young kids of things and phenomena that would have been so hard to encounter within the environments in which they stay. The media and television does serve a crucial role towards creating reality within the juveniles as of how big and diverse the world is, essay on tv violence. Home Page Social Issues Violence Youth Violence Effects of TV on Juvenile Television Violence. Available Only on StudyHippo. Youth Violence. Pages: 3 words Published: December 29, View Entire Sample Download Sample.

Text preview. This behavior and acts includes the juveniles initiating fights, bullying fellow children, essay on tv violence physical cruelty towards individuals as well as animals, knowing how to use weapons, having chronic View entire sample Join StudyHippo to see entire essay. the television sets Heath et al. Related assignments. Popular Essay Topics. Get ideas now.

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Therefore, they should not necessarily behave in the violent way as they watch other people behave on television. In fact, people live in society and they respect existing social norms and standards Moy, et al. Instead, they behave in the rational way and respect social norms, while the violence on television cannot change the existing social norms and values. People are just living according to rules and legal norms that are acceptable within their community. If people are always exposed to the violence on television, they stop perceiving it as something abnormal.

In fact, the normal psychological reaction of the average viewer on violence is repulsion. However, if that viewer watch the violence on television over and over again, it becomes less shocking, until the moment, when the viewer perceives the violence as a norm. The viewer just starts believing that violence is not abnormal but a routine part of social life. Therefore, the viewer starts believing that violence is a plausible means of resolution of any problems fast. In addition, viewers are vulnerable to the impact of violence from the early childhood. As a result, children are also vulnerable to the impact of violence on television Moy, et al.

It can be left simple, as if when a person gets shot or hit, there are no close-ups to show the wound or any blood. It would be useful to promote that the only moral of the movies in relation to violence is that it is unlawful and unwanted by anyone. Most evidence supports the fact that there must be a predisposition towards violence. It very much depends on an individual. A person who is kind and moral will not resolve to violence because it will conflict with their core moral beliefs, and no matter how often they see violence on the news or in movies, each time they will feel appalled and will not simulate such behavior Freedman, It is clear that a person, who resolved to violence, either grew up in aggressive circumstances where they thought that it was allowed or possible or they have some genetic malfunction.

Majority of people are taught that violence is wrong and will not be tolerated by the law and society. Unfortunately, the evolving technology is becoming a greater part of human life. The 3D or hologram affects, not to mention virtual reality, can stimulate senses in ways that were not possible before. There is very little evidence as to how the body and genetic information reacts and what it stores. There is a slight chance that a person who watches violence all their life and becomes desensitized to human pain and suffering, will record that information in genes and pass it on to the next generation Holtzman, In any case, there is always a limit as to violence on TV and its nature.

The modern society wants to see more blood, which is evident from many movies, and the types of people that watch those movies are of specific character. But the general public seems unharmed by media, as it is too character specific. Casey, Bernadette. Television studies: the key concepts. New York, NY: Routledge, Freedman, Jonathan. Media violence and its effect on aggression: Assessing the scientific evidence. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, Wells, Alan. London, England: Greenwood Publishing Group, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?

Factors include such perinatal difficulties, biological and neurological factors, residing in neighborhoods that are characterized with social disorganization and violence, inconsistent or harsh parenting practices, substance abuse and parental criminality and lastly exposure to media violence Redding, Media exposure is the leading means in which the juveniles get exposed to scenes of crime and parents and their caretakers need to learn methods in which they can discourage antisocial behavior. This can be through them first reinforcing commonplace low level aversive behaviors like noncompliance, tantrums and teasing. It is also noteworthy to point out that the relationship between exposure towards media violence together with aggressive behavior has been illustrated through a series of field and laboratory experiments as well as quasi-experiments.

Most of the studies did found out that the link of media and aggression seemed to be enhanced by the following: The aggression presented in the media is often justified, there are salient cues that are present during the period of retrieval, most respondents are being predisposed to behaviors that are aggressive and lastly the respondents do get identified with violent characters Yoshikawa, However, on the other hand watching of television programs by juveniles does not necessarily relate that they are being exposed to form of media violence through the programs that they do watch. There are several programs that are educative with nice characters whom can be good role models to the juveniles.

There are programs that have been made and tailored specific for the juveniles and do have content which is age appropriate towards the children. These programs counter the other programs that exhibit violent behavior by providing characters and actions that are best for nurturing the minds of the juveniles with educative and friendly programs that share the ideal actions that need to be exhibited by these juveniles when they will grow and develop Grossman, The other positive point to note is that exposing juveniles to media does not mean that all the programs in the media have aspects of violence. Rather, the media does enhance in opening the world views to these young kids of things and phenomena that would have been so hard to encounter within the environments in which they stay. The media and television does serve a crucial role towards creating reality within the juveniles as of how big and diverse the world is.

Home Page Social Issues Violence Youth Violence Effects of TV on Juvenile Television Violence. Available Only on StudyHippo.

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