They always seem to struggle for essay ideas. Question: How can I develop "What could be some possible solutions to nuclear war between the U. Here are a couple of alternatives:. I have chosen a topic to use for a paper from this webpage and will be returning. Get help with your assigment. Due to the risks involved, should nuclear weapons and nuclear energy be outlawed? Answer: Your question seems to fit the situation, claim of value essay topics.
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Want to get an original essay on this topic? Making the consumer believe that some drugs are more addictive then other drugs is a lie because all drugs are addictive and all drugs are dangerous. It is the same thing as saying not all candy causes cavities when all candy does cause cavities and excessive amounts are harmful. Marijuana is a gateway drug because it leads to uses of more deadly drugs such as heroin, speed, cocaine and crack just to name a few claim and reason. Once people get all the good side effects from marijuana they will want to get a better longer lasting effect from other drugs which can be very harmful.
Marijuana can be even more treacherous when mixed with other drugs such as coke, PCP, and embalming fluid which is the latest craze but mixing these drugs with marijuana cause side effects which are less desirable to the brain and can make your judgment become impaired in many different ways. Marijuana also affects many skills required for driving like alertness, the ability to concentrate, coordination, and reaction time claim. This can lead to reckless driving and accidents reason. Another affect of weed is memory claim of value essay topics, which can be one of the most damaging effects of marijuana claim. Weed often hinders the ability to recall recent events and can cause trouble handling complex claim of value essay topics reason. It also makes it harder to make sense of claim of value essay topics is reality and what is imagined, and this creates a problem for the memory.
Ray L. With the use of more potent varieties of marijuana, even simple tasks can be difficult. The loss of memory is not a desirable effect to have even if it can seem cool at the moment because you can forget to do the most important task which will make you capable of getting hurt or harming somebody else. Although marijuana effects are short term, such as increased appetite, dry mouth, and red eyes, other effects last longer or are permanent. The effects marijuana has on the brain also can impact the users social relationships and their performance at school and work.
This can lead to long-term, permanent consequences such as an alienated friendship or bad grades in school. I believe that marijuana is bad and useless for everybody comment, claim of value essay topics. Claim of Value. com, Sep 11, Accessed January 7, comSep Order paper like this. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help. Deadline: 10 days left. Number of pages. Email Invalid email. A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you! Stuck on ideas? Struggling with a concept? Get help with your assigment. Leave your email and we will send claim of value essay topics sample to you.
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Review the essay to find mistakes in grammar, word choice and punctuation. Try reading the essay backwards will enable you to identify easily mistakes. Read the news to see what issues are affecting the nation and the world. You can also check web sites like ProCon. org, which present two or three sides to current controversial subjects. Look at issues involving your school or community, such as tuition hikes, campus parking, or residential life. Take a stand and be ready to defend it Research your arguments. Avoid Logical Fallacies that may alienate your readers and sabotage your claim. Utilize effective kinds of evidence include statistics, quotes from experts and predictions.
Construct your thesis statement at the top of the page and list your arguments underneath, paying careful attention to the order. Writing will be easier if you lead off with your strongest argument and conclude with your weakest. Is animal testing necessary and should it be outlawed? People are allowed the freedom of speech in a democracy, but does freedom of speech mean that they can use hate speech? Should prisoners be denied their right to vote during and after their prison sentence? At what age should people be allowed to vote, drink alcohol or drive a car?
Should minors be given a mandatory curfew until they are 18 years old? Is it morally permissible for advertisers to market directly to children? Should minors be allowed to have reproductive rights or purchase birth control without their parents' approval? Should parents be legally allowed to spank their children? If a parent gives their child a present, are they allowed to take it back to punish the child? Does the child or the parent own the child's belongings? Original Ideas Topics for an expository essay on love Creating an essay title on the Cold War Ideas for a response essay on Macbeth World history essay sample questions Informative essay ideas on NY City Picking topics about teachers' behaviour Ideas on a change for the better Synthesis essay topics on locavores Great ideas on the educational system Selection of topics about values Criminal justice essay topic ideas Do assignments online.
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Question: What do you think of the topic, "Do immigrants steal jobs in America? Answer: I'm not sure "stealing" is quite the right way to frame this question. Here are some alternative ideas:. Question: What is a good argument or position essay on the topic of 'sex slaves and human trafficking'? Answer: Unless this is the instructor's question, you probably should reword it because this particular question is rather narrow. For the most part, people would just say "I'm against it and I think it should stop. Better questions would be:. Question: What do you think of the essay topic "A rapist having parental rights of a child born from his crime? Answer: You will need to make sure this is written as a clearly arguable question. Here are some possibilities:.
When I first read your question, I assumed most people would argue that no rapist has any right to demand anything. However, I thought about some instances where a prior relationship between the two people involved which might make this a question that could be argued. One situation is a rape of a wife by her husband, or a rape between a couple living together or two people in a long-term relationship. Question: I am stuck on an essay that I have to write for Liberty is Freedom fact claim. Can you help me get it started? Answer: Sometimes when you are stuck on starting an essay, it helps to think of the opposite.
What does it mean not to have liberty? Or to think of an example of the topic. What examples can you think of for Liberty or Freedom? A good start is a personal or historical story which illustrates the idea. Or a story that illustrates the opposite. You can also use a quote, but that is often less interesting. Question: Could you please help me come up with an argument or position essay topic for the subject of fast food? Question: Could you please help me find an argument or position on minimum wage increase? Question: Is this a workable topic as a follow up to watching a commission video?
Answer: Your question seems to fit the situation. Here are a couple of alternatives:. Question: Could you please help me come up with a position paper topic that is easy and relevant for high school? Answer: I've written an article which is all about high school topics. These are called "argument topics" but that is just another way of saying "position paper. Question: Could you please help me come up with an argument or position essay topic for the subject of cosmetology? Question: What would be a good topic about women minister on the media for an argumentative essay? Answer: That topic is fine, but you might want to consider one of the following:.
Answer: You can find many health topics on my other lists. One way to find them is to Google "Health essay topics owlcation. That has topics on mental health as well as health. Question: What do you think is a good argument or position essay on the topic "Business Essentials? Question: What do you think of "Should reality T. shows have regulations? Answer: That is a good question and you could use a lot of interesting situations from the show to argue your position. The overall topic that this falls under is the idea of censorship. Therefore, you can use articles about censorship and T.
content in research for this paper. Additionally, you might want to use qualifiers in stating your opinion. That means using statements like:. Question: What do you think of," should healthcare professionals be forced to get the flu shot? Answer: That is a simple question which should have a clear and specific answer. However, I'm not sure that many people would disagree with this topic. It is important that your essay topic is something that people have at least two opinions about. Otherwise, there isn't anything to argue. Question: Could you please help me on my position paper about the effects of media coverage on an election?
Question: Could you please help me think of an issue about health for an argument or position essay? Answer: See these articles for a variety of health and medical topics for essays. Question: How can I develop "What could be some possible solutions to nuclear war between the U. S and North Korea? Answer: Since nuclear war between these two countries seems to have been avoided at present, I think a better topic would be:. What needs to be done to make sure that the possibility of nuclear war with Korea never happens? Question: Could you please help me think of an essay topic related to production design? Question: What do you think about "How can we improve public transportation? Answer: Improving public transportation is a good topic if you have some good ideas to suggest.
The best topic for a letter to a government official is one that you have some good ideas about. You might want to research the ideas that other people have had to solve the transportation problem. That will give you facts and evidence to make your paper stronger. Question: Can you give me some topics about whether textbooks should be replaced by i-pads and online games? Question: Could you please help me on my position paper about inflation in the Philippines? I really don't know how to write my topic. Answer: Here are some topic question ideas. Your answer would be the thesis of your paper. Question: Could you help me come up with an argument topic on the subject of military spending in the US?
Question: How could I write an argumentive essay about why women and girls should not define their beauty with makeup and filters? Then the answer to the question you choose will be your thesis. To make an answer that outlines your whole essay, include the reasons for why you choose that answer. Question: Could you please help me come up with an argument or position essay topic for the subject of trade war? Question: How can I further develop this into an argumentative or position essay topic: "What is wrong in wanting to improve recidivism?
Question: How can I develop an essay topic about being appreciative of other cultures? Does being taught about other cultures in a school setting help children to be appreciative of other cultures? Is participating in holiday celebrations of other cultures a way to learn to appreciate those cultures better? Can we solve the problem of divisiveness and racism by helping people understand and appreciate other cultures? To write your essay, you would need to choose one of the above topics and then write an answer to that question, which would become your thesis. The reasons for the answer would be the body of your essay, and what you thought your reader should think, do, or believe after reading your essay would be the conclusion.
Question: How would "What is the solution to the problem of sexual assault" work as an essay topic? How can the entertainment industry or any other industry you want to name fight sexual assault and harassment? Question: What do you think of " What ages should be allowed to watch Disney Movies? Answer: I think you might want to narrow it down to certain kinds of Disney movies or ask: "Should parents ever censor Disney movies? For example, my husband was very concerned because our young preschool daughters do not think that all women had to look a certain way to be beautiful, so he worried that some of the Disney princess movies projected an unrealistic image of female beauty.
Not everyone would agree with that, but I give you that example as a type of argument which would say that children should not watch some kinds of Disney movies, or to be cautious about Disney. Question: Could you please help me come up with an argument or position essay topic for organ transplants? Question: How can I elaborate on this essay topic: "The plea bargaining system is flawed. How do we fix it? Answer: Your question is clear but you will have to answer the objection to the fact that if we don't have plea bargaining, we will have an even more crowded court calendar and cause a long time for people waiting for trial.
Question: Could you please help me come up with a persuasive essay topic for the subject of water pollution? Question: Can you help me come up with a position paper topic on the foster system? Question: Could you help me come up with an argument of position topic for the subject of "the day of the dead?
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