Cite this Article Format. The slaves on the Weylin plantation have multiple different concepts of home that change over the course of the novel. Luke being sold represents another way that the concept of home is fragmented for slaves. If it is not that specific, don't worry! Many men, having been raised by their mothers, end up being men inundated by feminine traits. When the narrator is questioned by his psychiatrist novel essay example what he remembers, the narrator says that he remembers everything, novel essay example.
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At some point in your literature studies, probably just about the time you get really good at finding the theme of a novel and coming up with a sound analysis of a single literary piece, you will be required to compare two novels. Your first task in this assignment will be to develop a good profile of both novels. You can do this by making a few simple lists of traits that might be comparable. For each novel, identify a list of characters and their roles in the story or important characteristics, and any important struggles, time periods, or major symbols like an element of nature. You may also attempt to come up with book themes that could be comparable.
Sample themes would include:. Your assignment will most likely give you direction as to whether you should find specific characters, story characteristics, or overall themes to compare. If it is not novel essay example specific, don't worry! You actually have a little more leeway. The teacher's goal when assigning this paper is to encourage you to think and analyze. You no longer read for a surface understanding of what happens in a novel essay example you are reading to understand why things happen and what the deeper meaning behind a character is a setting or an event. In short, you are expected to come up with an interesting comparative analysis.
As an example of comparing novel themes, we will look at The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Red Badge of Courage. Both of these novels contain a "coming of age" theme since both have characters who grow a new awareness through tough lessons. Some comparisons you could make:. To craft an essay about these two novels and their similar themes, you would create your own list of similarities novel essay example those above, using a list, chart, or a Venn diagram. Sum up your overall theory about how these themes are comparable to create your thesis statement. You will use your common characteristic list to guide you as you create body paragraphs.
If your assignment is to compare the characters of these novels, you would make a list or Venn diagram to make more comparisons:. Comparing two novels is not as difficult as it sounds at first, novel essay example. Once you generate a list of traits, you can easily see an outline emerging. Share Flipboard Email. English Writing Writing Essays Writing Research Novel essay example Journalism English Novel essay example. By Grace Fleming Grace Fleming. Grace Fleming, M. Learn about our Editorial Process. Featured Video. Cite this Article Format, novel essay example. Fleming, Grace, novel essay example. How to Compare Two Novels in Comparative Essay. copy citation.
Must-Read Books If You Like 'The Catcher in the Rye'. Use a Concept Map for Your Literature Midterms and Finals, novel essay example. The Catcher in the Rye: Questions for Study and Discussion. April Themes, Holiday Activities, and Events. What Is a Novel? Definition and Characteristics.
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Sum up your overall theory about how these themes are comparable to create your thesis statement. You will use your common characteristic list to guide you as you create body paragraphs. If your assignment is to compare the characters of these novels, you would make a list or Venn diagram to make more comparisons:. Comparing two novels is not as difficult as it sounds at first. Once you generate a list of traits, you can easily see an outline emerging. Share Flipboard Email. English Writing Writing Essays Writing Research Papers Journalism English Grammar. By Grace Fleming Grace Fleming.
Grace Fleming, M. Learn about our Editorial Process. Featured Video. Cite this Article Format. Like Dana, Kevin has no close family or friends left in his life besides Dana when he gets stranded in the past for five years. Dana comes to feel that, while Kevin and her house in the present will always represent home for her, she feels even more at home when she is on the plantation. Home is does not have a singular definition or meaning. Rather, home has a unique meaning to each person based on their own personal experiences and beliefs. We use cookies to offer you the best experience.
You cannot copy content from our website. If you need this sample, insert an email and we'll deliver it to you. A Concept of Home in Octavia Butler's Novel Download. Category: Life Subcategory: Family Topic: Kindred Words: 2 pages. Essay due? We'll write it for you! Any subject Min. Hire writer. More Essay Samples on Topic Kindred Brave New World Family Relationships Kindred Parenting Styles Friends Manners Humanism Dog Mother Clock is ticking and inspiration doesn't come? No plagiarism guarantee. Deadline from 3 hours. Order now. We can write it better! Just try! This clearly demonstrates the use of metafiction in the novel, Maus. In delivering the story, Art represents people using mice.
However, there are particular instances whereby the human nature of the mice is brought out. Such a statement takes the audience from the fiction world to mean that the mouse is aware of the human nature behind its rodentine representation. Post-modernism is an element of art that may appear in the construction of the story or characterization. In the novel, Maus, by Art there is a significant representation of post-modernism. The author uses holocausts that represent post-modernism in his plot development. In another instance, Art introduces metafiction at the beginning of part II while talking to his girlfriend about his novel.
This clearly shows that the fiction in the novel know that it is fiction. Elements of Metafiction in the Novel, Fun House. edu, The characters in the novel are factious. However, the statement above indicates that the fiction in the story is self-aware. Although the audience is aware that the characters are fictions, the author goes an extra mile to demonstrate that the fiction used in the novel is self-aware. Possible Relevance of Metafiction. Metafiction enables the authors to develop their stories and also to introduce some common features of art such as flexibility. For instance, Art uses post-modernism to demonstrate the fluid nature or flexibility of art.
In the story, the writer is talking about events that happened before his existence. Nonetheless, this does not prevent him from using elements that exist in the post-modern era of art. The use of holocaust in designing the graphics of a story that happened a long time ago means that artists can borrow from any art period without restrictions. Still in the novel, Maus, the author can discuss difficult occurrences through the use of metafiction. Issues such as lifeless bodies lying on the streets have less weight when portrayed as fiction characters than real ones. It makes the message of the story easy to comprehend. Both Allison and Art make use of metafiction for plot development. Metafiction is used to connect reality and fiction or rather spontaneously create the notion that the fictions characters represent real human beings.
Metafiction partially takes the audience from the world of fiction to reality. Reasons for Use of Metafiction. Although both Art and Allison use metafiction in their novels, they portray and use it to achieve different effects. While art uses metafiction to demonstrate the fluid nature of art. He easily borrows a feature from the post-modern era and uses it in to narrate a story that happened a long time ago. On the other hand, Allison uses metafiction to bring the audience back to the real world. From the two novels, the use of metafiction plays a significant role in plot development. George mason university, Metafiction in volume 2, chapter 2 of Maus.
Tschuffer, K. Words images and the spaces in-between: graphic novels as literature. The novel Fight Club encompasses a variety of characters , all of whom play different, but equally, vital parts in the propagation of themes in the novel. His mental imbalance, results in his institutionalization in a mental illness facility. The picture that Chuck Palahniuk paints of this intriguing character is a testament of the insanity he suffers. The narrator is an individual who lives a very boring life, one in which he is the villain of his own story. The fact that the narrator suffers from emotional imbalance and loneliness, all play a central role in the development of insanity in the narrator. As a means of encouragement and comfort, the narrator chooses to create an imaginary character that embodies the many character traits the narrator clearly lacks.
What the narrator clearly lacks, Tyler more than makes up for in his character , as well as, physical appearance. This fantasy character created by the narrator is the beginning of all his troubles, and this comes along once he is no longer able to release himself emotionally in the support groups that he used to attend under false pretences. The result is a disastrous mental illness on the narrator. The character of the narrator fuels the need for Tyler to assert himself and this is played out in his many split-personality encounters. The failure of the narrator to accept the reality that his life is boring and empty drives him to create a character that eventually ruins his own life.
The mere fact that Tyler and the narrator are never seen together by the other characters is a manifestation of the imaginary nature of this character. The narrator is completely detached from reality such that when he forms the Fight Club as Tyler, he becomes a follower of himself. He, just like other men, exhibits his sycophancy for Tyler by following his every command without question. The interesting fact about this is that the narrator follows his own commands or rather the commands of his alias. This is a big hindrance to the life of the narrator as he tries to live his own life. One of the most clear-cut exhibitions of this split personality is towards the end when Tyler forces the narrator to go and detonate a bomb in one of the buildings as an assignment of Project Mayhem.
The worrying fact about this is that the narrator actually wants to commit suicide, but his detachment from reality puts the blame on a fictional character that is Tyler. The appearance of Marla on the building and her attempts to discourage the act of suicide fall on deaf ears and the narrator shoots himself in the cheek. This highlights the problems that the narrator faces. By creating a fictional character, the narrator is able to live the dream life of every man. However, the domination of Tyler and the infringement he poses on the freedom of the narrator, make the narrator attempt suicide as a way of escaping Tyler. The belief that Tyler is a real character is so strong for the narrator that no attempts to dissuade him take effect.
A crazy person is an individual that is out of touch with reality. The narrator is out of touch with reality by believing that there is another character that just fits the description of the narrator. This imaginary character takes over the life of the narrator and controls his actions, making him live a double life. The somnambulism of the narrator is his greatest weakness since it is responsible for the creation of Tyler and, in turn, the ruination of the narrator. At the tail end of the novel Fight Club written by Chuck Palahniuk, the narrator is seen in a mental institution where he has sessions with his psychiatrist. This makes the narrator believe that he is dead and that Tyler, his alias, is also dead.
However, that is a far cry from the truth. When the narrator is questioned by his psychiatrist about what he remembers, the narrator says that he remembers everything. The narrator was an individual suffering from a split-personality disorder in which he had created a character by the name Tyler Durden, who was everything the narrator hoped to be. This affected the personality and mind of the narrator , seeing that many of the actions that he took were taken under the influence of Tyler. The result is the creation of Fight Club by Tyler as a means of emotional release. Needless to say, the narrator is greatly influenced into this position by Tyler himself. Ever since the meeting of Tyler and the narrator, all the actions that the narrator takes are controlled or commanded by Tyler.
When Tyler issues commands, the narrator acts- and that is the name of the game. It is, therefore, only befitting that in his dominated state; the narrator hardly ever took an action out of his own will. The narrator is forced to join Project Mayhem by Tyler, and Tyler wastes no time reminding the narrator, along with other members of Project Mayhem that they cannot question him. The only decision that the narrator ever made himself, is that of leaving fight Club, and it is ironic that the narrator seems to have no apparent recollection of this at the hospital. When the narrator is asked whether he remembers anything, he says he remembers everything. This recollection of events is a sad reminder that the character of Tyler Durden has taken over the mind and life of the narrator.
He suffers as a slave to his own alias, having been imprisoned in his mind by this character that he single-handedly thought out and brought to life. The individual that is actually speaking to the psychiatrist in this conversation is Tyler as he remembers all that he has done. The importance of this recollection cannot go ignored. Many of the actions that narrator took were influenced by Tyler, and this had a huge impact on the life of the narrator and that of society. By becoming a slave to his own imaginary character, the narrator is a representation of consumerism. Just like the narrator, many individuals in society suffer from their consumerist natures. This move reiterates what Palahniuk has been saying all along in the book- that the things one owns eventually own him or her. In this case, the narrator creates Tyler as a model individual and eventually is imprisoned by the same character.
Fight club is a true representation of the consumerist society that, more often than not, falls prey to its own desires and urges. The things that many individuals desire, and work hard to get, end up becoming the masters of the lives of these individuals. The words of the narrator to the psychiatrist are the elixir that gives life to the true purpose of the novel. By informing the reader on the true nature of the situation, the reader is made fully aware of the danger posed by his or her consumerist nature. The Caux Round-table principle believes that the world business community plays an important role in the improvement of economic and social conditions. Through an extensive as well as the collaborative process, the business leaders in the Caux Round-table principles developed the CRT principles for businesses in order to embody the aspiration of principled business leadership.
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