IndonesiaThailand tsunami essay, Sri Lanka and South India were hit the hardest but other countries like BangladeshMadagascarSeychellesMalaysiaKenya were also affected. Run up is measured in meters above a reference sea level. Ask about the National Flood Insurance Program, tsunami essay. Southern Economic Journal Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press. Q: Typically what news items from Coos Bay do you use on KMHS? Perception from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia tsunami essay on web: en.
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Tsunamis A succinct definition of a tsunami is " A natural phenomenon consisting of a series of waves generated when water in a lake or the sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale. Wikipedia: Tsunami A more explicit and technical definition is, " A tsunami is a very long-wavelength wave of water that is generated by sudden displacement of the seafloor or tsunami essay of any body of standing water. Tsunamis are sometimes called "seismic sea waves. The essential characteristic of a tsunami is therefore a radical displacement of water. This displacement of water can be caused by various events, such as, earthquakes, ocean landslides, volcanic eruptions and large meteorite impacts as well as large explosions.
The effect of a Tsunami depends on the severity and size of the initial causative factors and the original displacement of water mass. The effects can range from a…. Bibliography Heilprin. Aims to Form Tsunami Warning System. Live Science. Accessed May 7, Surviving the Tsunami. Accessed May 8, Natural Disasters. May 5, Prepare for Tsunami. May 7, esides the deaths, more than one million people were left homeless and hundreds of thousands homes and businesses were destroyed. The United Nations tsunami essay that, " the disaster will prove to be the costliest ever recorded, with full economic recovery not expected for up to 10 years in many areas.
Another environmental aspect was that, "Toxic wastes, which were inadequately stored, may have been dispersed. Bibliography Anonymous. The December 26, Sumatran Tsunami, tsunami essay. htm Anonymous: Impact of Tsunamis on Ecosystems. Tsunami Relief and Reconstruction The images on television were unimaginable. The number of deaths, staggering. The stories of survival were both heroic and miraculous. Even today, some months later, the news is still filled with reports concerning the December 26, tsunami that literally devastated many areas of Indonesia. Relief efforts have been under way since the first few days of the disaster and have come from virtually every area of the world, however, what took nature only minutes to destroy will likely take man some years to rebuild.
A tsunami is a natural tsunami essay consisting tsunami essay a series of waves generated when water in a lake or sea is tsunami essay displaced on a massive scale, due to an earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, or large meteorite impact, with effects that can tsunami essay from unnoticeable to devastation Tsunami pp. The term tsunami comes from the Japanese language meaning harbor "tsu," and…. Work Cited "Clinton pledges to undertake task of special envoy on tsunami relief. Tsunami arning Systems as Potential Disaster Mitigaters Tsunami essay disasters are more possible in today's world tsunami essay ever before. Due to both natural and man-made phenomena, the latter of which comprises everything from global warming to nuclear weapons, catastrophes are much more prescient, tsunami essay.
These disasters have been seen in various instances, especially in the Pacific, the most recent of which is the tsunami that hit Japan. Tsunamis are tsunami essay deadly natural force in themselves, tsunami essay, but combine them with the damage to a nuclear power plant and one has a veritable code red catastrophe with which to deal. One way in which the world has begun to protect itself from such disasters are through various mitigating systems. This is what this paper will discuss. However, with respect tsunami essay tsunamis, for instance, one must first tsunami essay if these systems are truly helpful; in other words, do they work? The official Tsunami arning System….
With this knowledge in mind, thus, one must conclude that the TWS was not successful in this case, and must wonder how risk assessment, and especially risk mitigation in such tsunami essay as tsunami essay tsunami could be made more effective. A clear example is the handling of U, tsunami essay. domestic security policy post This is a clear-cut guideline of how one could handle disaster prevention and mitigation. Though U. domestic policies were enacted to secure the borders of the tsunami essay, they did not necessarily do anything to thwart or prevent threats.
In fact, bioterrorism, such as was the case with the Anthrax attacks, was quite prevalent at a time, and can at any time re-erupt. In fact, tsunami essay, this is the most dangerous degree of terrorism, below nuclear of course, but lethal nonetheless. The national response to such threats i. nuclear, bioterrorism is not serious, as these have not happened and as the U. seems to be solely focused on a more 'classic' form of terrorism. Yet the threats are there and one must wonder whether the country, with all its power and its allies, truly has a proper response framework in place.
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the U. was not very effective, for instance, and this cannot happen again, especially with the aforementioned, wide-reaching threats. As seen from the disaster in Japan, any country, no matter how tsunami essay, can suffer a disaster, and the U. should modify its response towards the threats that have arisen in order to be more effective in its potential threat response, no matter the degree or seriousness of the attacks perpetrated, tsunami essay. Tsunami arning System The December tsunami shocked the world, literally taking it by storm.
It killed nearlytsunami essay, people in Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and its devastating effects were felt as afar away as Africa, where several people died as a result. The tsunami was preceded and directly caused by a magnitude 9. Although there was a significant lag between the time that the earthquake hit and the time the tsunami ravaged the land, residents of affected nations were inadequately warned and insufficiently prepared to face the impending tsunami. As a result of inadequate warning systems in the Indian Ocean, the death toll from the disaster was outrageously high; final tallies are still being updated.
A tsunami warning system is not infallible, as tsunamis are difficult to detect from the deep ocean. However, the Pacific Tsunami arning System PT can…. Works Cited 'About The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. Online at. Atwater, Brian F, tsunami essay. Marco, Bourgeois, Joanne, Dudley, Walter C. II, and Stauffer, Peter H. United States Geological Survey Circular Version 1. Press Release: United Nations reproduced on Scoop. Data has shown that society was previously inclined to underestimate tsunamis and their power. Advancements in tsunami studies have made it possible for the masses to become better acquainted with the concept and with the fact that it can practically happen more frequent than they thought.
In addition to that, tsunami essay, it appears that no coast lines are protected from tsunamis, as they can be affected more or less, mainly depending on their location and on the intensity of the tsunami Gonzalez. Tsunamis occur less frequently than other natural events, but this does not mean that they are to be ignored by the authorities in charge of such disasters. Bibliography: 1. Escaleras, M. Mitigating Natural Disasters through Collective Action: The Effectiveness of Tsunami Early Warnings. Southern Economic Journal Gonzalez, Frank I. Scientific American no5 Korf, B. Commentary on the Special Section on the Indian Ocean Tsunami: Disasters, Generosity and the Other. The Geographical Journal Rigg, J. Law, tsunami essay, L. Tan-Mullins, M. The Indian Ocean Tsunami: Socio-Economic Impacts in Thailand.
However she warning device should always be checked and monitored in a way that it is guaranteed effective in sending signals way ahead of the disaster. A good tsunami warning system would be well-placed instruments with good communications that are able to send data immediately and effectively. The information has to be made available within ten minutes via satellite Daily Post, tsunami essay, Thus the warning system must be installed in almost, if not, all oceans and seas around the world, tsunami essay. This is because every sea or ocean is prone to tsunami. Like the Indian Ocean, no body can remember when tsunami essay the last time if there really is that a tsunami has occurred in this body of water, but the tsunami has proven that it can indeed occur in this part of the continent.
More so, oceanographers can maximize the use of the technology present today. There are reports…. Works Cited Bhattacharyya, A. Daily Post Liverpool, England 18 April "Killer tsunami extremely unlikely in UK, say experts.
rhetorical analysis essay topics
Paired Comparison Analysis. Caused a clear inability for these agencies to exercise their logistics plan during such a catastrophic event. The first clear weakness was experienced by FEMA, the national organization appointed to deal with supplementing local relief efforts and providing extended services to those in need in an event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack. FEMA is supposed to work as a supplement to local emergency service efforts, and as such it is supposed to be in tune with the capabilities and procedures of the local agencies that were on the front line of Katrina disaster relief. However, the research shows that "there was nobody that even knew FEMA's history, much less understood the profession and the dynamics and the roles and responsibilities of that states and local governments" University Transportation Centers Program, , p Essentially, FEMA operatives were not….
References City of Hampton. Emergency operations plan: Abstract. Emergency Management. The City of Hampton Virginia. pdf National Response Team. Retrieved September 5, from www. University Transportation Centers Program. Comparison of Disaster Logistics Planning and Execution for Hurricane Season. Midwest Transportation Consortium. Disaster ecovery ecovery: Disaster and Crisis Disaster recovery has become an important aspect of a company's strategic plan. The main reason for an increased concern can be attributed to the fact that integration and alliances at an international level have increased so that there are more linkages and higher interdependencies that have increased the exposure of people to international risk.
This also means that companies are more prone to be affected by a force majeure impacting a vendor located in another part of the world. Some cases that have recently come to light in the spate of the Japanese Earthquake are the impact on General Motors leave alone Nissan. Moreover, giants such as Sony have been impacted in the wake of natural disasters in Thailand where a Tsunami impacted the Integrated Chip provider, making it difficult for Sony to continue to manufacture its products. In light of these vulnerabilities it…. References Jones, V. How to Avoid Disaster:RIM's Crucial Role in Business Continuity Planning.
Information Management Journal. Keenan, G. After a year of disasters, Japan's auto sector fights back. html ixzz1k0x14zsf Momani, N. Business Continuity Planning: Are We Prepared for Future Disasters. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, Omar, A. Information Technology Disaster Recovery Plan: Case Study. Academy of Strategic Management Journal. This course has played a critical role in my professional development in organizational management. One of the most important lessons I have obtained from the course relates to management of change in an organization. As I reflect on the insights obtained from the course, I have learned about change management and found some readings, resources, and assignments helpful in this process as well as some that did not fully engage me.
However, I also feel that there are some aspects of change management that I still need to know more about and research more deeply after this class. Prior to undertaking this class, I knew that change management is a relatively complex process that is difficult to carry out. I believed that…. Tourist Behavior Toward Nature-Based Tourism Activities For most of the developing countries tourism industry is playing a very important role in boosting their economies. In , it was found out that Asia Pacific was one of the fastest growing tourism regions Cruey, It was in 's that the development of Thai international tourism started Mcdowall and Wang, Tourism industry accounts for 5.
For the purpose of providing a proper development direction, the National Economics and Social Development Plan NESDP served as a guide Mcdowall and Wang, The result of the survey which was conducted by the Universities of USA and Thailand, showed that Thailand stood on the first place as best hospital city for all the…. References Blamey, R. Principles of ecotourism. In Encyclopedia of Ecotourism, Weaver D ed. CAB International: Wallingford, England; 5 -- Brass, J. Community Tourism Assessment Handbook. Western Rural Development Centre, Utah State University, ed. Business Day, Tourist Sector Wins 3. Carter, R. And Fabricius, M.
UNWTO Conference in Topic is Creating campetitve advantage for your destination, Budapest, UNWTO Consultants TEAM tourism Consulting. If the area they were placed in was prone to blizzards, earthquakes, terrorist outbreaks or anything else the public to be educated that if it heard the sirens it meant that specific disaster was likely occurring, had occurred or was about to occur. The sirens are also universally recognized as a warning system therefore the process of installation and public education would not be significantly difficult to complete. TSUNAMI WANING SYSTEM The world was shocked and traumatized when the Indian Ocean Tsunami hit a few years ago and hundreds of thousands of people died as a result of that disaster.
When it struck there was very little or no warning for most of those who were impacted by its arrival. While the…. Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness U. In theory, the challenge is to do away with all disasters that cause the loss of life or injury to people along with the property and environment damage. On the other hand, such a goal is not possible to achieve practically. Although it is possible to avoid certain risks but the elimination of environmental hazards seems to be an idealistic task Smith, , p. The evidence signals that there is a need to do more today for tomorrow. Though investment in hazard mitigation has increased, there are few signs that show the effectiveness of the sustainability plans. In United States of America, several plans are outlined that have lessened the number of casualties and scale of destruction Smith, , p.
References About FEMA. In FEMA. shtm "About the National Dam Safety Program. shtm Bernard, E. The U. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program: A Successful State -- Federal Partnership. Springer, 35, pdf Edwards, F. Show Me the Money: Financial Recovery after Disaster Professional Emergency Management, Physical Mitigation, Public Education, and Financial Assistance Can All Lessen the Impact of Post-Disaster Community Recovery Costs. Session Long Project involve developing a disaster management program a specific country include hazard analysis, prevention, preparedness, response, recovery plans.
Epidemiology Disasters espond: 1. In , Japan was shook by a devastating earthquake which claimed thousands of deaths and led to serious economic casualties. Since then, a number of concerns have been raised in regards to expectations of an even vengeful one in the near future. In fact, Japan has had a history of damaging quakes throughout the years. In , the Ch-etsu Earthquakes, although less serious as to the number of human lives, forced many people to leave homes and injured thousands. It was considered the most vengeful quake since when thousands were killed in the Great Hanshin Earthquake, hundreds of thousands more were affected one way or another and substantial economical damage was registered.
As such, Japanese have become more vigilant in regards to their safety and…. Reference List Center for Research on Environmental Decisions , January Disaster Data: A Balanced Perspective. Issue No. pdf International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies World Disasters Report. pdf Jamil, S. Managing Double Trouble: Indonesia's earthquakes and the Philippines' typhoons. paper presented at the Third Annual Convention of the Consortium of Non-Traditional Security Studies in Asia, November , pdf Leonard, H. John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University HKS. Toyota is one of the world's leading automakers.
For most of its existence, the company has been unassailable, but this past year has presented the company with a number of challenges. These include plant shutdowns caused by parts shortages as a result of the Japanese tsunami, Japanese consumer spending falling again because of the tsunami, competitive challenges and product quality issues that lead to recalls. As one of the world's leading automakers, Toyota has a lot of different strengths that it uses to compete in the marketplace. The company has great brand equity. The company has a great reputation for value, aligning high quality vehicles with relatively low prices.
Works Cited: Interbrand aspx Kitamura, M. Toyota losing market no. html McWilliams, H. Dealerships desperate to buy in-demand Toyota Prius. Fox News. story Meier, F. High yen, Thai floods, Japan tsunami swamp Toyota profits. USA Today. Japan abolishes current nuclear plant Fukushima Crisis. What effects immediately long-term Japan world a case stop operation of nuclear power plants. As a brief description, Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power plant was an operating energy facility in Japan particularly in the Fukushima prefecture or province. The plant was established in , which occupied a total of 3.
This nuclear power plant was very useful in the Japanese energy regulation system because it has an economical generation costs that is more reliable than using hydroelectric power sources from dams and streams. It is operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company that is the largest operating agency around Japan as claimed by Arnold On March 11, , a powerful earthquake hit the northeastern portion of Japan with an epicenter just off the coast of Fukushima…. Reference Arnold, Wesley. Nuclear Power Plant facilities. New York: McGraw Hill, Cousins, C. Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Fraser, Scotty. Environmental Issues: Natural Disasters.
Alexandria: Tim and Gale Publishing, Gilbert, L. Application of non-conventional and renewable energy sources. Toyota Japanese automaker Toyota, headquartered in the city of the same name, is the world's leading automaker by sales, moving over 10 million vehicles per year Statista, However, being the industry leader means one thing -- everybody is trying to take share away from you. As such, Toyota faces many competitive threats. The American automakers are performing better after a very difficult period leading into the dual bankruptcies of GM and Chrysler. The Korean automakers, particularly Hyundai, are becoming more powerful.
Emerging economy companies like Geely and Tata loom on the horizon as new competitors in all markets, and they are already challenging Toyota in their home markets. Furthermore, Toyota faces internal challenges as well. It suffered a major blow to its supply chain management strategy in the wake of the tsunami. The company had clustered its supply chain around its major manufacturing facilities, but this left…. References Greimel, H Tsunami: the aftermath. Automotive News. Toyota's total supply chain vision. Automotive Logistics. Statistics and facts about the global automotive industry. Toyota aims for quake-proof supply chain. This assignment is for words.
ANCHORAGE — The people of Alaska, spurred by the threat of a massive underwater earthquake which could result in a tsunami, evacuated the safety of their homes at midnight. Authorities had transformed schools into temporary evacuation units and citizens flocked there, parking their automobiles at Walmart and Safeway parking lots. Several rushed to the safe higher ground provided by Pillar Mountain. This sudden panic across the Pacific coast commenced following US Geological Survey reports of an earthquake of magnitude 7. While authorities claimed nobody reported any….
This draws a pattern of the land price model, concentric as one moves away from CBD. An interesting element of the Japanese housing market system that is worth considering in terms of its impact on the housing market is the savings rate and savings behavior in Japan. Traditionally, the savings rate in Japan is high, with a population that is risk averse and tends to invest in instruments that have lower returns, but are also less risky. With that in mind, Noguchi and Poterba tend to support the idea, first of all, that the conditions of owned houses differ from those of rented houses, in that they are especially more spacious and with overall better amenities. Second to that, there appears to be a clear relationship between geographical location and wealth accumulation, as determined by the savings levels in different regions.
Households in larger conurbations, such as Tokyo, accumulated…. References: Baumgartner, U. Housing Markets in the United States and Japan. The University of Chicago Press. subjective nature of perception be regarded as an advantage for artists but as an obstacle to be overcome for scientists? Perception is the way we get the information about real objects that exist independently from our consciousness. Perception reflects state and qualities of objects and forms our understanding of their existence. Person can perceive information about environment in different ways: by tactile, acoustic, visual perception, still visual perception is the most essential.
Visual perception is a result of visual activity of human's interaction with surrounding world. It's important to note again here that we do not "see" objects, we perceive their electromagnetic radiation of visual spectrum. That's why it's believed that visual perception is subjective, and the structure of perception is based on the laws of projectile reflection. Perception's role is essential in the functioning of…. html 9. Perception from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia available on web: en. Slide 9: Technological innovations in emergency management The starting point in the creation of a plan on how to improve our program from a technological standpoint has been constituted by the review of the it industry.
The scope of this research has been that of identifying the innovations in the field and their relevance for our agency and its mission. The results of the research endeavor are briefly presented below: GIS is an important tool to use in the collection of data necessary and its usage is credited with overall successful emergency operations as it allows the intervention teams to gather data pivotal at all stages of the emergency management process. emote sensing technology is enhancing the quality of the emergency management act at the stages of mitigation and preparedness and it has proven efficient in the management of both natural hazards as well as man made disasters.
The NOAAPort…. References: Bea, K. pdf last accessed on December 7, Durmaz, H. html last accessed on December 9, Consumer demand in luxury and major events tourism -- two of the most important sectors for Marysville to attract -- is very low eTurboNews, and this will affect company's decisions to invest. The target customer, therefore, is the smaller investor. The segments of tourism that are showing signs of recovery are also those with shorter turnaround times on projects and those that suit a small hill town such as Marysville. Backpacking and small-scale car tourism are recovering faster than other types of tourism eTurboNews, In order to attract this market, the marketing should focus on the price advantage of Marysville.
Land in the town is at a very low value due to the impact of the brushfires, yet the natural attractions remain as potent as ever. The product -- the nature and…. Works Cited: Kotler, P. Marketing places: Attracting investment, industry and tourism to cities, states and nations. New York: The Free Press. Buhalis, D. Marketing the competitive destination of the future. Tourism Management. Ichinosawa, J. Reputational disaster in Phuket: The secondary impact of the tsunami on inbound tourism. Disaster Prevention and Management. Carlsen, J. Tourism market recovery in the Maldives after the Indian Ocean tsunami.
Deposition occurred over a very long time period. The study found that the sediments separating the two events were characteristic of normal sedimentation, with burrows formed by creatures colonizing the ocean floor, erosion and transportation of sediments, and no evidence of structural disturbance" which means that there is no reason to believe that the asteroid impacted normal life in measurable fashion very quickly, or that fossil evidence of the asteroid's impact had been disrupted New blow against dinosaur-killing asteroid theory, geologists find, , National Science Foundation. Even defenders of the asteroid theory think it is unlikely that it was a one-time event that killed most of the life on planet earth, and believe that the asteroids created inhospitable conditions that developed over time.
Recent research also indicates that the asteroid "landed in deeper water than previously assumed and therefore released about 6. Works Cited Geologist gets to the bottom of Chicxulub impact crater. University of Alaska Fairbanks. htm Hypothesis: Asteroid impact. Evolution: What killed the dinosaurs? During the period from April to June, the severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS outbreak had a negative impact on Thai economies. Seenprachawong U. However many studies of the tourist industry in the country point out that it is extremely resilient and " in the tsunami disaster, a quick recovery process began after a deep sentiment of sadness. Investment recovered very quickly with a view to cleaning up the destruction left behind. Following recent years of strong growth, the economy of Thailand should be in a strong position to recover from this tragedy.
Conclusion There is little doubt that the Thai tourist industry is one that is extremely dependent on changes in the natural environment and influences on the culture from the outside. While the resilience of this industry have be shown in the face of natural disasters,…. Bibliography Asia Market Research. March 16, asp Community-Based Tourism in Doi Inthanon National Park:Case Study of Ban Mae Klang Luang Tourism Alliance, Chiangmai, Thailand. no longer worthy to be called your son," the father rejected that statement, and instead ordered "the best robe" be brought, placed a ring on the son's finger and "sandals on his feet. This son of mine," the father told his younger son, "was dead and is alive again when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!
The father shows that he has the compassion to truly forgive his prodigal son, which is…. Reference Bernstein, Sharon. Donations Large and Small Climb by the Hour. Los Angeles Times, front page. Kinniry, Bernadette At the Water's Edge. The Other Side, 36, Penny, Amber What's Kindness Look Like? Devotions on the Fruit of the Spirit. WAVES There are two types of wave motion: Longitudinal and traverse waves. In longitudinal waves, the particles are parallel to the direction of wave propagation. In traverse waves, the particles are perpendicular to the direction of wave motion.
Further more, in the longitudinal waves, the particles move back and forth about their mean positions. In traverse waves, the particles oscillate up and down about their equilibrium positions. The water waves are a combination of both the longitudinal waves and traverse waves. While the waves move forward because of longitudinal properties the particles rotates in a clockwise motion giving the impression of waves as we see them at oceans. Energy is required to disturb the particles and make them move in any of above ways. However, the question that arises is, from where do the ocean waves get their energy?
They are incessantly moving in the direction predicted without any visible…. This news story has a positive impression of Oxfam works. Its 12 confederates are located in their respective regions and undertaking international goals and policies according to the requirements of the regions. The confederates work with poor people so that their lives may be improved and they may govern their own lives. Oxfam struggles to influence governments and powerful people in a straightforward manner without infringing upon their sovereignty. And it joins hands with all people for the universal good through open and popular campaigning, alliance building and media work in arriving at earnest and workable solutions to global poverty, to motivate as many people as possible to actively participate in the movement for change and to create a sense of global citizenship.
Oxfam's work method…. Bibliography Courier Mail, the. Oxfam Unveils New Sense of Giving. Queensland Newspapers, May 12, Oxfam's Fair Trade Report: Rigged Rules and Double Standard. Holiday Editorials. Holiday Publications Ltd. html Oxfam International. Who We Are, Upon seeing this inevitable suffering, he resolved to free the world with his philosophy, and lead us all to Enlightenment. Although our land is filled with fine Buddhist shrines and many people pay for fine Buddhist funerals, we have forgotten the central truths of Buddhism, which stress the impermanence of all material things.
The only thing which is permanent is the persistence of suffering and the truth of the Buddha's philosophy of non-attachment. Because we can create great structures out of metal and wood; because we can prolong life slightly longer than before; because we can disguise the effects of…. Works Cited Korteman, Jessica. Public Health Emergencies When it comes to public health, there are two main issues: basic control of general public health concerns, and what takes place during an emergency. The United States and other countries have recently made some changes in how public health emergencies are handled, mostly in response to disasters that have been seen on their home soil or in other areas of the world. A public health emergency can come from a natural disaster, a terrorist act, or in other ways, but being prepared for it is important.
It can also be difficult, because it is unpredictable and cannot be accurately planned for in many cases. esponse to Japan Disasters Japan has experienced its share of public health emergencies in recent years. The tsunami created a massive issue for a significant number of people CDC, Additionally, the nuclear radiation that began leaking added fuel to the fire,…. References Brandt, A. Antagonism and accommodation: Interpreting the relationship between public health and medicine in the United States during the 20th century. American Journal of Public Health, 90 5 : -- CDC responds to earthquake, tsunami and radiation release in Japan Short-term and long-term health risks of nuclear-power-plant accidents.
New England Journal of Medicine, 10 10 , The dwindling supply of empty beds: Implications for hospital surge capacity. Health Affairs, 27 6 , Retrieved from: ProQuest. training in the field of emergency management is particularly complicated. The reason for the complication is the astonishingly broad latitude of situations for which emergency services and personnel might ultimately be required. Now obviously there are certain limitations that are based on simple geography: emergency management personnel in California may be called upon to deal with mudslides or earthquakes, and emergency management personnel in Kansas will be summoned for tornados. But a large-scale terrorist incident could conceivably occur anywhere that is populated.
Meanwhile certain types of disaster almost perfectly defy any attempt at preparation altogether -- the example of the Indian Ocean tsunami, which killed over two hundred thousand people, is particularly pertinent, because there existed no detection system for such an event. Tsunamis are rare events, but common enough in the Pacific Ocean that a detection system existed there -- but they are so rare in the Indian…. References Canton, L. Emergency management: Concepts and strategies for effective programs. New York: Wiley. Haddow, G. Introduction to emergency management. Fifth edition. New York: Butterworth-Heinemann. Perry, RW, Lindell, MK. The article that was written by Conley discusses the impact that collateralized debt obligations CDO's would have upon the subprime loans. These were created in , by the Wall Street firm Drexel urnham.
In this product, the investment bankers would take a number of different articles and combine them together as one investment. The various assets that were used included: junk bonds, mortgages and other high yielding investments from the debt. The idea with these different products is that the investment bank could offer customers a stated return on their investment. The way it worked is the brokerage firm would distribute each investor, the stated amount of returns that they would make off of the tranche the CDO investment.
This was derived using a complex mathematical formula that would divide the total amount of interest that was received, from the various high yielding products that were inside the CDO. Bibliography Case Study, , Investopedia. Available from: [14 February ] Citi Merger a Mistake, , Huffington Post. Available from: [14 February ]. Deregulation Redux, , FCIC. Available from: {14 February ]. Derivatives, , Financial Dictionary. Available from: [12 February ]. And there are always a few racists in any town. But I believe we have a great, open, accepting community. e entertain tourists from all over the planet, and many of them are from ethnic cultures different from ours. They say they feel welcomed here. Q: hat use does the community foundation make of the local AM station KMHS-AM?
M: I'm glad you asked. e have learning programs for parents and students. And students make up their own little reports and broadcasts. Topics range from the environment, world news, California news and Coos Bay news. Q: Typically what news items from Coos Bay do you use on KMHS? M: e interview people who are doing interesting things in town and with businesses. Biologists from the college and local fishermen. The news in this town isn't really very earth shaking. Look at the list of news items on the orld's ebsite…. Works Cited City of Coos Bay, Oregon. Welcome to Coos Bay.
Coos Bay, Oregon. Coos Bay School District. Welcome to Coos Bay School District. Retrieved February 2,. This revision, they note, was "partly in recognition of research demonstrating that traumatic events were in fact not uncommon. DSM-IV defines the traumatic stressor as when a person 'experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others" Vasterling and Brewin 6. The diagnostic criteria established by the Fourth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV for PTSD state that an individual must have: itnessed, experienced, or otherwise been confronted with an event that involved actual or possible death, grave injury, or threat to physical integrity; and, The individual's response to such a traumatic event must include severe helplessness, fear or horror cited in Clancy According to Clancy , a number of professions such as law enforcement, firefighters and combat veterans tend to experience a….
Works Cited Baum, Andrew, Tracey a. Revenson and Jerome E. Handbook of Health Psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Breton, J. And J. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Richman and Fraser at Browne, Ivor. Clancy, Kris. The building's safety officials or the specialized units connected with the government or even with the police officials will be able to direct the people regarding their next shelter or place to evacuate. It should be noted that Mass Evacuation, : Designating an area for shelter is necessary if there is a significant disruption to transportation and going to other place could expose the people to more threats or risk.
Properties within the area are "classified as unsafe or unsanitary or both and there is a lack of suitable shelter or alternative accommodations Public health is at risk, which is normally the result of long-term trouble to water supplies or sewerage systems Unavailability or contamination of food and water supply Evaluating the time needed…. Reference List Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning, State and Local Guide" SLG Federal Emergency Management Agency. The promotion budget remains high, however, and it is essential to maintain the promotions budget to defend the space, especially over the coming months when technologically superior rivals may finally enter the tablet space. The iPad 2 has been given a premium price, consistent with Apple products. Competitors such as Samsung have chosen to meet Apple at this price rather than undercut.
This brings the iPad 2 into direct competition with such products on the basis of features, something that at present favors the iPad 2. The price points are consistent globally, and are not expected to change until the next generation of iPad is introduced and the old devices need to be cleared from inventory. Apple typically does not discount its products while they are still current, and has no plans to change that policy for the iPad 2. ith respect to place, distribution of the iPad 2 is…. Works Cited: Madway, G. Apple iPad 2 sales seen clearing 1 million units. Best Buy holding iPad2 sales due to shortages. ZD Net.
Apple: It's all about the brand. Wired Magazine. Apple's branding strategy. Marketing Minds. As for how this hurts Ecuador: shrimp is Ecuador's third-largest export, and many thousands of Ecuadorians are employed in the shrimp farming industry, Coglitore added. Stevens - the American Seafood Distributors Association president - said the "zeroing" strategy guarantees that dumping margins can be used against foreign shipments. This is "absolutely the worst time to be placing more taxes on the shrimp industry," said Brian Wynn, who is CEO of ubicon esources in Los Angeles, a major Thai shrimp importer, according to an article in the Asia Africa Intelligence Wire January, To drop tariffs or forgive….
References Asia Africa Intelligence Wire , January 7. Upholds Tariffs on Shrimp Imports From India, Five Others. Retrieved from Asia Pulse; Article A Economist Shrimp Wars. Academic Search Premier Database ISSN: Threats to security are seen to come not only from external military aggression but also from a myriad of internal challenges -- separatist movements, social unrest, or the collapse of the political system. What these definitions of security lack, however, is a full understanding of the term; military operations and protection from terrorist attacks are most certainly important factors in a nation's security, however, they are far from being the total measure of peace and stability in a society.
Stockholm Initiative on Global Security and Governance, Common Responsibility in the s. Stockholm: Prime Minister's Office. Timothy, K. United Nations Development Program, Human Development Report, Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Weather Tsunami Essays Tsunami Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly.
The effects can range from a… Bibliography Heilprin. The term tsunami comes from the Japanese language meaning harbor "tsu," and… Work Cited "Clinton pledges to undertake task of special envoy on tsunami relief. The official Tsunami arning System… With this knowledge in mind, thus, one must conclude that the TWS was not successful in this case, and must wonder how risk assessment, and especially risk mitigation in such instances as the tsunami could be made more effective. However, the Pacific Tsunami arning System PT can… Works Cited 'About The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The… Bibliography: 1. There are reports… Works Cited Bhattacharyya, A. The last major tsunami to hit the United States occurred in when an earthquake occurred in Prince… Bibliography Neal W.
This death toll was an underestimation as the demography… References George Pararas, With many villages destroyed or isolated, as well as less than utilizable roadways and runways for supplies to flow in, the international… N. Obviously, trauma care was… References CDC They anticipated a huge earthquake but the magnitude of the quake was way higher than they expected hence the reason for the huge number of people… References The International database, The government will need to invest in the saving operations, which will likely impact the budget and lower the chances that Japan can offer… Bibliography 1. Numerical Modeling Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Multiple Chapters Paper : After explaining the data… Of course, simple mathematics and numbers are sometimes hard to correlate to real life and it could somehow come down more to odds, probability or likelihood rather than whether it will definitely happen or not.
Physical Geology the 'Indian Ocean Words: Length: 9 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Strand; Masek, 40 After the earthquake, the bay was sealed off by the deep Sunda Trench and the tsunami waves were reflected back towards the Indian Ocean striking the eastern Indian coastline within two… References Bernard, Eddie N; Robinson, Allan R. Pictures Can Speak Louder Than Words and Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Reinsurance for Many People the Field of Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Business Workplace Continuity and Contingency Words: Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Terrorism is a great… References Aceh Post-Tsunami Reconstruction: Lessons Learned Two Years on.
Force of the Winds Is Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : For instance, some… References Crouse, R. Economics - How China's Economy Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Since then, the mechanism of resetting the value of the… References: Brasher, K. Long-Term Effects of a Widespread Disaster Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : U S Auto Industry the Motor Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Energy Is Hard to Define Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : imply put, energy drives every stage of life, it is in attempting to find the factors that influence how energy is used and cultivated that… Simply put, energy drives every stage of life, it is in attempting to find the factors that influence how energy is used and cultivated that has established the sciences.
Education Principles of Economics China's Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : The ability of a manufacturer to adapt depends on the company and the… References Amadeo, Kimberly. Mass Shooting Could Have Been Prevented The Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Students like him need monitoring, counseling and intervention… References "Japan tsunami reconstruction money 'misspent'," Tomorrow Was an Excellent Film That Definitely Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Movie Review Paper : Software Evaluation Writeboard the International Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: White Paper Paper : Catastrophic Events Preparing for Catastrophic Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : The New Orleans doctor implicated in the patients' deaths argued that "informed consent is impossible during disasters and that doctors need to be able to evacuate the sickest or most severely injured patients last -- along with those who have Do Not esuscitate orders -- an approach that she and her colleagues used as conditions worsened after Katrina," given she believed that many… References Evaluation of hospital disaster drills: A module-based approach.
Decisions in Paradise Part II Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Ways of… References MindTools. Local Response Terrorism the City Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Essentially, FEMA operatives were not… References City of Hampton. Recovery Disaster and Crisis Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Tsunamis can further occur as a result of meteorological activity and human-made triggers. When water washes away the shores with such colossal force, it damages the sewage system and freshwater. It also causes water fit for drinking to erode and contaminate. Because of the water being stagnant and polluted, numerous diseases like malaria affect a large number of people.
They become ill, and infections spread quickly. A tsunami may even destroy nuclear plants which result in emittance of harmful radiations. These radiations are fatal to the health of every living organism. Mass evacuations become necessary in areas exposed to radiations because they can result in cancer, death and can even affect the DNA structures. The saddest effect of a tsunami is the loss of lives in huge numbers. Tsunamis hit suddenly, with almost no warning and hence people get no time to escape it or run away. They drown, collapse, are electrocuted, etc.
Tsunamis not only cause massive destruction of life but also degrade the environment in a gigantic way. It uproots trees and destroys pipelines which lead to the release of dioxides, raw sewage and other pollutants into the atmosphere. When these hazardous pollutants are washed into the sea, they also cause unbearable damage to the aquatic underwater life. When the waves of a powerful tsunami smash the shores, they destroy trees, cars, buildings, telephone lines, pipelines and other man-made equipment into bits and pieces. Poverty rises in areas which get most affected by the wrath of tsunamis. The governments are also able to do little for their betterment immediately due to the high funding requirement and expenses.
The government can invest in building strong and high protective infrastructure which can withstand the force of a tsunami. The length should be so tall, that the most upper wave of the tsunami cannot over top it. Also, heavy construction and livelihood activities in tsunami-prone areas can be avoided. The local authorities can install an efficient and fast early warning system. This would help to get all the people on alert. This way, more and more people would evacuate or leave the areas of danger, and human life destruction could be minimised. Educating people and making them aware of the effects and impact of a tsunami is exceptionally crucial.
They should be taught about the early warning signals of a tsunami and how to identify them. They should also learn how to be fully prepared in tough times like these instead of panicking and rapidly running around. Planting the coastal regions and boundaries with trees such as Mangroves which can absorb tidal wave energy can be another option. These can help to reduce the impact of a tsunami and curb the levels of destruction caused.
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