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Sex education essay

Sex education essay

It is important for children to learn about sex from teachers at school, as sex education essay parents are not well educated in this area and are usually hesitant to discuss such things with their children. Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality, sex education essay. Sex Education. orks Cited Beil, L. Causal Effects of Single-Sex Schools on College Entrance Exams and College Attendance: Random Assignment in Seoul High Schools.

Cost Of Sex Education Essay

Sex Education Annotated Bibliography One of the most divisive topics in education is undoubtedly the debate over the degree to which sexual health education should be incorporated into public schools. The topic attracts a great deal of impassioned argument for perspectives at either end of the spectrum of inclusion, ranging from advocacy of sexual education being left to the domain of family-based education in the home to the inclusion of contraceptive method teachings in order to promote healthy sexual behaviors, sex education essay. While the opposition to including sexual health education into the public school curriculum is not entirely faith-based, sex education essay, the resurgence of the religious right-wing in the United States has resulted in a great deal of the anti-sexual health education theory and rhetoric having overtly Christian overtones.

The promulgation of the benefit of the inclusion of sexual education does not have as cohesive a philosophical stance, with arguments in its favor ranging from the proposed medical benefits to the defense of students' First Amendment rights to access to a full range of educational topics, sex education essay. Many scientific research studies have been conducted, financed by a number of different political and educational institutions in order to more accurately asses the impact of various sexual education models upon students. Broadly defined, there are roughly four categories of sexual education models employed in American schools currently. The first is a model in which human sexuality is not discussed at all, sex education essay, or only marriage and relationship dynamics are discussed to the exclusion of human sexuality.

The second type of sexual education offered is the abstinence -only model in which the discussion of sexuality occurs only in the contexts of emphasizing that sex should not occur outside the context of heterosexual marriage. The third type of human sexuality education offered in American schools is one in which abstinence is emphasized but some discussion of contraception options and STI-statistics are discussed, but no material resources are offered and abstinence is heavily emphasized as the ideal. The fourth broadly-defined category of sexual education offers comprehensive contraceptive information and often material resources, sex education essay, including condom access.

Abstinence is often mentioned as sex education essay valid choice in personal sexuality, often along with safer sex practices and a de-stigmatized approach to handling inquiries and information around abortionSTI sex education essay reduction and homosexuality. Each of these methodologies has been studied in the context of efficacy and sociocultural impact upon students' individual sexual health and knowledge and sexual health outcomes, sex education essay. One particular area of interest in sexual health research is whether or sex education essay comprehensive sexual health teachings increase or reduce rates of sexually-transmitted infections and pregnancy, sex education essay.

This is also a frequent area of inquiry regarding abstinence-only sexual health education, sex education essay, which has been challenged as unrealistic by many social science researchers Mabray and Labauvre From a scientific and human rights perspective, a great deal of research has been published advocating the greater success of comprehensive sexual health education over abstinence-only education in reducing races of teen, premarital pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infection rates. The utility and efficacy of sexual education programs employing pedagogy beyond abstinence-only education in lowering pregnancy rates among sexually-active students has been an area of research undertaken by many social science researchers. One recent metastudy looks at the differential outcomes of abstinence-only, abstinence-promoting, sex education essay, and multidimensional sexual education models.

The authors conclude that in a population that is already sexually active, sex education essay, comprehensive approaches to human sexuality education are more appropriate and effective in reducing pregnancy rates Mabray and Labauvre The authors advance a 'multidimensional' model that could be employed to address teens regardless of sexual activity status or personal and cultural sexual beliefs: "The proposed model, a sex education essay approach to adolescent sexual education, is not only appropriate for abstinent teens, but it also addresses those who are or have been sexually active. Sex education essay opposed to the current abstinent-only approaches that focus on the pre-teen, this proposed model addresses year-olds.

Sex education essay approach involves, among other things, sex education essay, the education of teens and A paper published in the Journal of Moral Education in examineed the underlying philosophical perspective framing the creation and dissemination of five distinct attitudes toward sexual health education availability in public schools. The five categories of sex education rhetoric were identified as, "school sex education should not occur; school sex education should promote physical health; school sex education should promote personal autonomy; school sex education should promote responsible sexual behaviour; school sex education should take place within a religious framework.

Reiss 1 " The paper's concluding argument is that teachers best serve students by adopt[ing] a position which combines elements of affirmative and procedural sex education essay Reiss 1. Another paper also attempted to cross this philosophical divide within the context of British sexual health education. This paper also exposes some of the unique cultural challenges of British sexual health education while offering general arguments for interrogating the insight into a culture that sexual health education offers to social scientists and cultural critics. The author of paper critically appraised sexual health education in the United Kingdom and the way in which the government's role in directing its formation and implementation has affected its efficacy and betrayed underlying philosophical inconsistencies.

The author takes a Christian perspective in analyzing the potentially beneficial effects of incorporating some element of spiritual and religious teachings into sexual health curriculum Thatcher Psychosocial Importance of Sexual Education A article from Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning looks at the role of sexual education in the creation of sexual ideals in adolescents that endure over the course of a lifetime. The authors argue that sexual education can be an important and powerful psychosocial force in creating health sexual ideals that frame behavior and attitudes toward sexuality over the course of a lifetime. The paper defines sexual ideals sex education essay the context of sexual education as the concept of best practices and favorable concepts and conditions for healthy and safe manifestation of sexuality.

The authors argue for the importance of incorporating sex education into public school curriculum along the philosophical basis that: "The main aim of schools is to assist students to become educated persons and well-functioning citizens of a liberal democracy. This means that, inter alia, schools have a duty to provide sex education, because this is part of the prudent and moral baggage that students need. They need to know the dos and don'ts and not only know but also feel committed to the moral principles concerning sexual behaviour, sex education essay, which should minimally be the principle of mutual consent to having sex de Ruyter and Spiecker " The authors of a paper published in the American Journal of Sexuality Education look at the psychosocial implications of abstinence-only sexual health education upon students' conceptions of selfhood in civic contexts.

Specifically, the rhetoric of abstinence-centric pedagogy is interrogated to look at the message sent to students about 'responsible citizenship. Those falling outside this norm suffer the risk of being othered and sex education essay as the educational paradigm privileges and reinforces the power of those conforming to perceived sexual mores. Fields and Hirschman The critical feminist lens in a novel one through which Lenskyi examines Canadian sex education in order to disprove conservative political forces opposing progressive, comprehensive sexual health education. The article positions that there are two major contributing forces to the developing of adolescent female sexuality: "male sexual violence and compulsory heterosexuality Lenskyi 1.

The author argues that a curriculum and pedagogy that does not have specific anti-sexist and non-heteronormative tenor harms the development of female sexuality and harms their social status : The problems resulting from unprotected heterosexual intercourse -- pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases -- sex education essay a central place in most existing sex sex education essay programs, evidence of the generally reactive rather than…. Sex Education in Schools: The Comprehensive vs. The Abstinence Approach The emergence of the Information Revolution has led to profound discoveries that have resulted to the development and improvement of living conditions in the human society. Limitless and various information about anything can be found in a second, through the help of Internet technology and other innovations generated by new technologies and research in science.

Cures for serious illnesses, news about. Sex education is an important aspect of youth welfare and health programs. Given the highly active sexual life of high school teenagers in our nation it is only judicious to stress the importance of using condoms in reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Nationwide statistics reveal a startling increase in sexual activity among teenagers as reflected by the huge surge in teenage pregnancies and abortions. The widespread epidemic of AIDS. Sex Education: For almost a century, sex education has been taught in schools across various countries worldwide in different forms to an extent that it has become a major feature of many schools.

However, the specific aspects of sex education that should be taught generally vary between countries though most of them address physiological development, the basics of reproduction as well as sexual health, sex education essay, safety, and sex education essay. Actually, some countries have. These are very important changes since they signal that the individual is now ready to have children. However, while they may be physically capable of conceiving a child, sex education essay, adolescents at the beginning of puberty are not mentally or emotionally ready for the responsibility of childcare and management. There are other physical changes associated with the period of puberty. These physical changes are called the development of the secondary sexual characteristics.

Curriculum must provide principals special powers to organize the events overstepping conventions. Burke, There could be widespread programs that could be conducted by NGOs. The NGO or the Non-governmental organization is ideal and charitable enough for providing seminars group therapy counseling and sex education outside the school hours or in special meetings. One to one counseling for children is also possible. Such activity will also bring about not only. Speaking Out About Sex Ed look at some other countries and their greater success in implementing a program to address the unwanted pregnancy and risk of infection in teenagers may provide the answer to this controversy.

In countries like England, sex education essay, Canada, Sweden, France and Holland, where the age at first intercourse is similar to that of the U. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Download this Research Paper in word format. Excerpt from Sex education essay Paper : Sex Education Annotated Bibliography One of the most divisive topics in education is undoubtedly the debate over the degree to which sexual health education should be incorporated into public schools. This approach involves, among other things, the education of teens and. Read Full Research Paper. Sex Education Words: Length: 6 Pages Topic: Women's Issues - Sexuality Paper : Sex Education Words: Length: 2 Pages Topic: Women's Issues - Sexuality Paper : Sex Education: For Almost a Century, Sex Words: Length: 5 Pages Topic: Children Paper : Sex Education Providing Appropriate Sex Words: Length: 6 Pages Topic: Women's Issues - Sexuality Paper : Sex Education in Addressing This Words: Length: 7 Pages Topic: Women's Issues - Sexuality Paper : Sex Education in Schools Has Words: Length: 4 Pages Topic: Women's Issues - Sexuality Paper :

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New York, NY: Routledge. The Case for Starting Sex Education in Kindergarten. Sex Education in Schools To what extent should the schools be responsible for teaching sex education? To what extent should sex education be left to parents? Who should handle education about STDs? Sexual education cannot be relegated to parents alone. Schools have a responsibility to educate the next generation, including in personal health. Schools also have a responsibility to educate children in societal norms. While parents are free to indoctrinate students at home in whatever religion parents choose, just as parents can educate their children in whatever particular political philosophy parents choose, it is impossible to instill children with a completely objective and values-free education.

Just as schools teach students to be good citizens, they also must teach students about responsible sexual practices, including the need for contraception. There is so much misinformation about contraception, particularly given the proliferation of dubious health information on the Internet, students need to learn…. References Jackson, E. Stress relief: The role of exercise in stress management. When it comes to developing and implementing a sexual education curriculum for minor children, that sort of thing has to be done in a particular and delicate way. However, it is something that can and should be done.

Indeed, it is important for children of all ages to know what they need to know before they learn on their own or from the wrong sources. Either one of those can lead to important things being missed and very big mistakes being made. Rather than allow for an information void to lead to a unplanned pregnancy or the contraction of a sexually transmitted disease, it is obviously preferable to inform the children what is important so that they are armed with the information when the time comes rather than after the fact.

Analysis There are a few important dimensions and facets of a sexual education program that must be defined and…. References Advocates for Youth. Effective Sex Education. Sex Education Between Public and Private School A person's appreciation of sexual activities of human beings impacts one's own discernment and the capability to recount with others. Every person ought to be slowly made aware of one's sexual feelings. Sex and sexuality should not be viewed distinctly. If education relating to sex remains restricted to the hardnosed regulations controlling some activities devoid of relating to the complete individual and his or her interaction to other individuals, it is considered insufficient.

Sex education cannot afford to be unethical, which means devoid of remarks to a proper or principled regulation. Contemporary society has by now endured a lot from incidents, which establishes the uselessness of realistic education devoid of allusion to a principled system that encourages individual accountability, answerability and restraint. If properly trained, education of sex and progress can very well become a branch of any other curriculum. More significantly, maybe,…. References Caron, Sandra L; Moskey, Eilean. Volume: 30; No: 4; pp: Grunseit, A. et al. Volume: 12; No: 4, pp.

September "Condom Availability in New York City Public High Schools: Relationships to Condom Use and Sexual Behavior. American Journal of Public Health. Volume: 87; No; 9 pp: Similarly Elayne Bennett, a faculty member of the Georgetown University Development Center, developed another abstinence program in This was called Best Friends and it focused on character building of young girls in public schools. Girls would enroll in this program during 6th grade and continue till they graduated. In an independent evaluation of the program in , participants in the program were compared with their classmates who had not participated in the program.

The results were highly encouraging. The Journal of…. References Centers for Disease Control. Youth risk behavior surveillance, 47, SS3. Howard, M. Helping teenagers postpone sexual involvement. Family Planning Perspectives, 22, Khouzem, H. Promotion of sexual abstinence: Reducing adolescent sexual activity and pregnancies. Southern Medical Journal, 88, Kirby, D. Effective approaches to reducing adolescent unprotected sex, pregnancy and childbearing. Journal of Sex Research, 39, Social Cost of Abstinence-Only Sex Education Comprehensive Sex Education The High Social Cost of Abstinence-Only Sex Education in the United States The American Abstinence-Only Movement In the United States there has been a social and legislative movement favoring abstinence-only sex education over the past 30 years reviewed by Starkman and ajani, Abstinence-only sex education programs do not include information on the purpose and use of contraceptives and by default promote chastity as the only method for avoiding pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases STDs.

Part of the blame for this discrepancy can be attributed to the passage of the Adolescent…. References Guttmacher Institute. In brief: Facts on American teen's sources of information about sex. pdf Starkman, Naomi and Rajani, Nicole The case for comprehensive sex education. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 16 7 , Wang, Bo, Hertog, Sara, Meier, Ann, Lou, Chaohua, and Gao, Ersheng. The potential of comprehensive sex education in China: Findings from suburban Shanghai. International Family Planning Perspectives, 31 2 , Philip G. Zimbardo has been a professor of Psychology at Stanford University since and is one of this nation's most famous psychological researchers.

In , his Stanford Prison Experiment dramatically illustrated the capacity of ordinary individuals to develop abusive and even sadistic impulses in a classic experiment that has been widely taught to undergraduate Psychology students for nearly four decades. More recently, Dr. Zimbardo was enlisted by the U. government in connection with understanding the abuses that transpired at the now infamous Abu Ghraib prison facility. Discussion of Findings: Even in contemporary U. society, a homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender identity is not well received and exposes the individual to intense social ostracism Herek, p Even worse, outright violence against homosexuals is extremely common, partly because homophobia is largely condoned and even encouraged in many ways, notwithstanding public proclamations of the importance of social tolerance Herek, ….

References Gerrig, R. Psychology and Life. Henslin, J. Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Herek, G. Stigma and Sexual Orientation: Understanding Prejudice against Lesbians, Gay Men and Bisexuals. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, graduating high school student enters college he or she is perceived to be a young responsible adult in thought and action. However, the college environment is one in which there exists no curfews, parents, or other restrictive elements to curtail an individual's activities and decisions.

As such it is important that those students arriving at college have the necessary maturity and life experience background to receive and enjoy an optimal college experience. Many of the elements that are needed for a successful university experience, as well as for an adult life outside of college, may be somewhat elusive but many are also learned during the formative high school years. The present research investigation proposes to address the impact of single sex high schools on those who attend them with respect to their influence on college success The investigator will review previously published literature with respect to single sex high schools….

References Clinton, Sen. Hillary June 7, Congressional Record, S Erickson, Bette LaSere and Weltner, Diane Strommer's Teaching College Freshmen. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, Flanagan, Gregory Lee, Valerie E. And Helen M. Marks, Background: Why Teach Sexual Education? Unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are the most important health-related reasons to teach sexual education in public schools. Children will seek out and find information related to sex outside the classroom, such as on the Internet, opening them up to potentially poor sources of information.

Compounding the problem is that only 13 states currently require sexual education…. Children Learn Better in All Boys' or All Girls' Schools? Examining Potential Benefits of Single-Sex Education Students are inundated with a wide number of distractions while in school. This often takes away from the success of their learning experience, and can result in lost opportunities, both academically and professionally. This has been the source of a great debate based on the concept of single-sex education in modern practice. This current research uses the Lock Model to explore the issue further. After reviewing the discourse, several conclusions can be made in regards to potential benefits of single-sex education combined with other factors like small class sizes and high teacher engagement.

esearch Question The underlying research explores various factors in modern student experiences. It examines empirical studies, legal reviews, and previous contributions to the discourse. The underlying research question is: Do children learn better in a single-sex educational environment? Data The academic…. Do single-sex schools improve the education of low-income and minority students? An investigation of California's pubic single-gender academies. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 36 2 , Should the Sexes be Separated for Secondary Education? University of Buckingham. pdf Sherwin, Galen. Single-sex schools and the antisegregation principle. Simson, Gary J. Separate but equal and single-sex schools. Cornell Law Faculty Publications. Paper Schools are required to follow protocols when teaching about sexually transmitted diseases.

These protocols stress that abstinence is the expected standard that all students should be expected to follow, abstinence is the way to avoid the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, and that students have the power to control their own personal behavior. The age at which children should be exposed to sex education topics is judged differently according to nation, state and culture. In Canada, sex education is begun as early as elementary school. In Florida, sex is taught as something that young persons need to avoid. The realities of…. However, with the current world social trends co-educational institutions provide a holistic body to the social development of a student. To break the barriers of race and gender inequality, any form of segregation will be hypocritical especially in the education sector.

In countries and institutions where they advocate for single-sex education, it has been noted that their doctrine is aimed at controlling morality but on the other hand it ends up leading to the objectification of a specific gender, especially the women. It thus clear to see that co-educational schooling is the best approach to follow for our society to achieve its goal of integration of all peoples Sullivan et al. eferences Chrisler, J. Handbook of Gender esearch in Psychology. Berlin: Springer. Covington, P. Success in Sociology as Student Book: Aqa. Dublin: Folens Publishers. Single-sex vs. coeducational schooling: A systematic….

References Chrisler, J. Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology. coeducational schooling: A systematic review. Washington, DC: Department of Education. Park, H. Causal Effects of Single-Sex Schools on College Entrance Exams and College Attendance: Random Assignment in Seoul High Schools. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania, PSC Working Paper Series. I also think that field experiences in the community are extremely necessary for success. I don't think enough teachers complete their practicum or student teach in minority schools, and I think this area is underserved and not supported enough by administration and community in many areas. I don't think many teachers would want immersion, living and teaching in a minority community, and I think this is far underserved in the educational community.

The group-setting model is very prevalent, and it does make for more challenge and support throughout college. Almost all of these elements are extremely relevant to the 21st century learner, teacher, and total school environment. As classrooms become more diversified and unique, today's teachers must make more attempts to understand the different blends of students and cultures that fill their classroom, and educational curriculum is key to this basic understanding. Classrooms are not going…. References Coballes-Vega, C. Considerations in teaching culturally diverse children. htm31 Aug. Willis, a. Critical issue: Addressing literacy needs in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms.

Education of omen in Renaissance Several methods relating to the education of women in Renaissance changed the world. However, these methods of Humanists and the queries of religious reformers had no impact on the lives of early modern European omen. Education, changing drastically between the 15th and 17th centuries was certainly kept from women although the rich and powerful were able to receive some education: it was not always used. Opportunities arose for the daughters of the rich and wealthy. However, the eventuality of all their efforts in education narrowed down to the typical role of a woman: a housewife. They still faced choices and challenges unique to their gender.

hile some women did receive this education alongside men, the options of what to do with that education were cut severely. It is evident from the study that women did not have a Renaissance because of lack of education and…. Works Cited Bell, Susan G. Women: from the Greeks to the French Revolution. Belmont, Calif. Print Rice, Eugene F. The foundations of early modern Europe, New York: W. Norton, Their recommendations, which focused on prevention and response to campus emergencies such as the deadly shootings at Northern Illinois University, included suggestions for detecting early signs of and treating mental illness. esearch has indicated that the risk of violence may increase when other risk factors are involved, such as substance abuse.

The task force's other recommendations for colleges and universities in Illinois included: becoming part of the federal government's standardized incident management process called the National Incident Management System, implement methods such as e-mail and speaker systems to alert students of an incident on campus, engaging in practice emergency drills at least twice…. References Campus Security. Retrieved August 10, , from U. html Chen, Grace. Campus Safety on Community Colleges. Community College Week. Sex and Violence in V Sex and Violence on V and in the Movies: Should Sex and Violence Continue to be Restricted for American Audiences? here are many things that our society has been exposed to, especially with the advent of technology, and many of these things have not been positive.

For instance, the new generation's constant obsession with sex and violence, one may state, is not exactly healthy. Yet younger and younger children know, from the internet, video games, and television shows, about sex and violence, and how these are portrayed in daily life. hough children must be aware of various things, sometimes, they need not learn of such topics at a young age. his paper will, therefore, argue that sex and violence on television and in the movies should continue to be restricted to minors, as it currently is, and will provide various opinions and facts on this…. The movie ratings of today vary in severity. The MPAA website explains, very clearly, why it chooses to restrict various movies, and why ratings are necessary.

For instance, on its website, it clearly includes a page that has all ratings, which vary from G General Audiences to NC No One Under 17 and Under Admitted. It is important, due to the gruesomeness of some films and television shows, as well as due to sexual nature, that parents do follow these guidelines, thereby allowing children to learn, at their own pace and at a proper age, rather than in an unrealistic way, often portrayed by television and movies, what sex and violence truly means and how harmful these can sometimes be to society, as well as how they can affect it.

This can mean that parents should truly try to abide by the ratings given by the MPAA, which, again, include G General Audiences a. a all ages , PG Parental Guidance Suggested a. a some material may not be suitable for children , PG Parents Strongly Cautioned, no minor under 13 without parents admitted , R Children under 17 Require Accompanying Parent or Adult Guardian , and NC No One 17 and Under Admitted. The Parents Television Council, for instance, has many papers from which to start. As the article states, "Much research suggests that television viewing is related to a host of negative outcomes in children. Studies have found that television viewing is associated with aggression, a "desensitization" to violence, and increased fear […] Given that children's exposure to television is inevitable, parents may wonder what they can do to protect their children from experiencing these and other negative effects.

The purpose of this paper is to discuss one option for controlling children's television viewing: the use of television ratings. More specifically, this paper will briefly describe the history and development of television ratings, discuss three of the major problems associated with television ratings, and then finally point out some of the other methods that are available to help parents cope with the presence of television in their children's lives. One such example refers to the Super Bowl, which TV rating company Nielsen "estimates that 6. Another 7. Education and Society About Gender The Perception of Gender Value Among Children In Myra Sadker's book, Failing at Fairness, gender issues in the classroom are studied to evaluate how sexism is presented and to what extent it impacts female self-esteem.

In a study entitled, "Help Me, God. I'm a Girl," the response to the hypothetical consideration of gender change was examined for eleven hundred Michigan children between and When asked what life would be like if they experienced a change to the opposite sex, the general conclusion that was drawn found that both girls and boys recognized weaknesses with the female sex as compared to males. This raises concern over the social impact of sexism that appears to exist even at a young age as the value of the female gender is compromised by views that males present the more advantageous sex. Thus, the evidence of sexism among…. Bibliography Sadker, Myra.

I'm a Girl. New York: Scribner, The button downs made for men tend to accentuate and broaden different areas than for women, for example, the shoulders. Both genders accessorize in different ways and one way is through shoes and bags. Women tend to wear high heels while men don't, and the former tend to carry a purse while the latter accessorize with a cross-body or messenger bag. Hair is another way to accentuate the gender difference for men and women fashion it differently, whether it is in terms of length or cut. As well, women tend to shave their hair in places men may not, for example, underarms and legs.

Men may just shave their facial hair should they choose not to grow a beard. Body modification or plastic surgery varies in both genders. Women may choose to get breast implants while men opt for pectoral implants. As well, in various cultures, certain body changes are…. References Construction of Gender Identity. New York College Catholic College The College of New Rochelle. html Gender Identity. Retrieved November 5, , from www. ppt Hernandez, K. Cultural attempts to accentuate sexual dimorphism - by Krystle Hernandez - Page 3 - Helium.

Helium - Where Knowledge Rules. Sociologist activism in the community that simultaneously brings about information processing and the ideal segment of society for the log run can contribute largely to the containment of the epidemic. Trickett; Pequegnat, The possible solution for the state, where the epidemic ca be spread by a known infected person is to cast a punitive punishment. Perhaps make the event actionable. Thus one of the possible laws that could be brought about to stem the growth of infection could closely follow the laws of pollution and the principles of pollution and the polluter pays principle that is much effective in industrialization. Thus the legal system has procedures to deal with the spread of epidemics although it has been used so far in the case of pollution.

Another interesting area where the principle is used and can be cited is the case of cigarettes and the non-smokers inhaling second-hand smoke from…. References Andersen, Margaret L; Taylor, Howard Francis. Moore, Melinda; Forst, Martin Lyle. Murphy, Raymond. Sex and Marriage: When a person gets married to another, one of the first rules is that there should be 'exogamy' in the selection of the partner, which also means that the partner has to belong to a well defined outside group, or there should be 'endogamy', which means that the partner must be within some large defined group of people, and both of these two rules work within any given society at any given time, so that there are limits maintained as to the preferability and the acceptability of the marriage partner.

The number of spouses that an individual is allowed to marry, however, is generally dictated by the culture and the religion to which the individual belongs. In most of Europe as well as in America, the general rule followed by almost everyone is that of 'monogamy', and this means that one person is only allowed one spouse…. References Definitions. htm Accessed on 20 March, Glossary of Terms. Sex Lives of Cannibals The book Sex Lives of Cannibals gives clear examples and instances of ethnocentrism to varying degrees and in different forms.

Indeed, in various areas around the world, ethnocentrism manifests in different ways that can be both positive and negative for the people engaging in the behavior as well as what is experienced and felt by outsiders as a result. emote and shrouded enclaves of humanity, whether it is their choice or just how life and civilization have panned out for them, are the most pertinent and applicable examples of this in motion and the peoples of Tarawa as depicted in the Sex Lives book are a sterling example of ethnocentrism in all of its forms and functions.

While the general act of ethnocentrism is not inherently evil, it can lead to hurt feelings and bad blood on a number of different levels. Book Summary The book…. References Bizumic, B. What Is and Is Not Ethnocentrism? A Conceptual Analysis and Political Implications. Political Psychology, 33 6 , x Jae-Woong, Y. The effects of television viewing, cultural proximity, and ethnocentrism on country image. Sex, Body, and Identity: How the Language of Metaphor Functions in Various Physically-Challenged Individuals' Expression of Identity and Selfhood In her memoir aist-High in the orld: A Life Among the Nondisabled [sic], author Nancy Mairs, who writes about how having Multiple Sclerosis MS had impacted her self-image, body image, and day to-day life, observes that: In biblical times, physical and mental disorders were thought to signify possession by demons.

People who were stooped or blind or subject to seizures were clearly not okay as they were but required fixing Mairs's detailed, often painfully honest reflections on dealing with in her case, progressive physical disabilities, e. Narratives written by individuals with physical disabilities ranging…. Works Cited Fries, Kenny. Body Remember: A Memoir. New York: Dutton, Retrieved July 26, , from:. Hockenberry, John. Moving Violations: War Zones, Wheelchairs and Declarations of Independence. New York: Hyperion, By providing more time for children to be in school, the program takes away dangerous time that students will be on the streets making negative alliances.

Additionally, by increasing home-school interactions and providing greater access to teachers, the program may offset some of the negative conditions caused by single parent homes. Because studies have suggested that juvenile alliances and socioeconomic status, as well as other social conditions, are some of the causes for juvenile delinquency, addressing those causes has become an important method to avoiding juvenile offenders, victims, and witnesses of violent crimes. ith schools being a major part of children's lives during childhood and adolescence, teachers and administrators, with programs like KIPP, must take on the burden of preventing or counterbalancing these social conditions that lead to juvenile delinquency.

Although the process of doing so may seem difficult to teachers who have been educated primarily in instructing and only…. Works Cited Abdul-Adil, Jaleel. And Farmer, David Alan. Boehnke, Klaus and Bergs-Winkles, Dagmar. Bowling for Columbine. Michael Moore. Education Law Education Business Law Hiring policy To avoid an anti-discriminatory lawsuit regarding hiring practices, an employer should declare him or herself an 'equal opportunity employer. The employer should also not discriminate on the basis of pregnancy, age, disability or genetic information Laws enforced by the EEOC, , EEOC. If the institution wishes to pursue a strategy of affirmative action regarding the hiring and promoting of employees he or she should state it clearly in employment literature, usually in the form of the phrase that 'members of historically discriminated-against groups are encouraged to apply.

References Affirmative action. Labor employment law. html Laws enforced by the EEOC. So, the bottom line of that story is Latinos may be getting good jobs in some cases but finding appropriate housing near one's place of work can be a minefield of bias and deception. Meanwhile, to answer the question, what effects does being Latino have on seeking a professional career, a study by the AFL-CIO shows that " three of four Latino workers say workplace rights need more protection" www. Accordingto the AFL-CIO research, called "the most exhaustive study ever conducted on worker's rights," nearly one-third of Latinos interviewed on the job said they have faced "workplace discrimination based on their ethnicity" AFL-CIO.

The Peter D. Hart Research Associates group conducted this research for the AFL-CIO; the research sampled 1, adult Latinos and Asians. It was called "orker's Rights in America: hat orkers Think About…. Works Cited FindLaw. It also includes a positive view of sex and the safety involved on sexuality. Sex education in high schools helps young people to be more prepared for life changes such as puberty, menopause and aging. Sex education can develop skills and self esteem to help students enter adolescence. It helps them in knowing that the sudden few changes are okay and normal.

For example, girls would not get shocked, panic and afraid at their first menstruation once they already had the knowledge about it. Moreover, it delivers confidence on them to value themselves and others. Sex education helps them understand the place of sexuality in human life and loving other people. They will learn to enjoy their sexuality, behave responsibly within their sexual and personal relationships. Youngsters are usually very curious to know all new things that came up to them especially abstract things such as sex. Despite that, sex education plays a major role in addressing concerns and correcting the misunderstandings that the youngsters may have gained from sources such as the media and their peers.

In addition, they will learn to make decisions that respect themselves and others by taking account the possible consequences. For instance, youngsters will be more matured, responsible and social ills can also be reduced. Furthermore, research had shown that children that are subjected to sex education are more apparent to practice safer sex. Such education would entail lessons on birth control measures such as avoiding multiple sex partners, use of condoms during intercourse and guide them on where to obtain condoms and how to use them. This will help a lot not only in curbing teenage pregnancies but other complications for instance problems associated with sexually transmitted diseases. It would be sad if we continue acting blindly, refusing to see that the rate of teenage pregnancies is on the rise.

We continue to say that teenagers are taught all they need to know about sex in schools. Increasing sex education to our youngster and especially girls is crucial in curbing teenage pregnancies. If a teenage girl has the right information about her menstrual circle and wants to have sex without using condoms and contraceptives, she will time her safe period so as to engage in sex intercourse. At the same time she will have in mind that having sex without protection is recipe for contracting STIs. A teenager armed with information will be able to decide actions to take, bearing in mind the consequences of his or her actions.

Secondly, conversation on sex matters is seen as embarrassing and inappropriate in a family environment as parent will not want to be seen as encouraging their children to engage in premarital sex i. a mother may find it difficult to discuss with teenage son how to use a condom incase he is just about to have sex or a father talking to her teenage daughter about the use of contraceptive pills. This should be another reason why sex education should be increased in schools. A teacher will not find any problem at all while demonstrating or talking to teens about sex issue.

It would be arguably inappropriate to continue advocating for abstinence programs only, while the out come of it is more teenage pregnancies. Teenagers are human beings with hormones and feelings. They know a lot about sex, only that the information they have is wrong.

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